Clinical Pathology Quality Dashboard April 2013
Clinical Pathology Patient Care Quality Blood Bank
Clinical Pathology Patient Care Quality Chemistry Goal: Inpatient/Outpatient STATs=60 minutes; Internal project to reach 45 minutes. Routines=120 minutes.
Clinical Pathology Patient Care Quality Hematology
Clinical Pathology Patient Care Quality Microbiology Goal≤1 hour
Clinical Pathology Patient Care Quality Phlebotomy *Data compiled using PT/PTT, WBC, Gluc data, which are components of high volume testing. Draws begin at 4am.
Clinical Pathology Efficiency
Clinical Pathology Financials
Clinical Pathology QA Meeting Highlight Cytogenetics Laboratory Determination of Cultural Artifact vs. True Mosaicism
CP Process Improvement Monthly Highlight Chemistry-PTHI Testing How we know it worked and ramifications of the Change: Physicians changed workflow patterns due to testing being available 24/7 and had expectations for a one hour TAT . Results were to be available before morning rounds. Chemistry staff responded by becoming aware of the change in the customers expectations and now monitor the TAT of this assay more closely. TAT expectations have been maintained to date. Interferences and other workflow inefficiencies resultant from using the prior platforms are now eliminated. Date Solution Implemented: January 8, 2013 Description of Problem: Chemistry performed PTHI testing on several platforms. These platforms were susceptible to heterophile interferences. Additionally, testing was not performed on the automation line and therefore was a batched assay. Impact of Problem: Potential interferences, rejection due to transport stability if not received on ice. The test is not available 24/7 for treatment decisions. Description of Solution: Change the PTHI platform to the Centaur that is attached to the automation line. The test can be performed on the primary tube, does not require storage before testing and has greater stability. The test is now available 24/7.
Clinical Laboratory News, Notes, and Kudos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labs that are working on process improvement projects that would like to display data can contact Kristina Martin ( for future dashboards. Kudos To all of the Pathology Staff presenting at the 2013 ASCLS-Michigan Annual Meeting. Wednesday Carol Young- Respiratory Specimens-What Should We Be Doing? Harry Neusius-Managing for Engaged Employees Matt Elkins-The Science Behind Hemolysis Labs. Kristina Martin-A3 Structured Problem Solving Thomas Wilson-Personalized Genomics –Next Generation Sequencing. Suzanne Butch-CLIA, CAP, AABB-Meeting the More Challenging Requirements Thursday David Keren-Capillary Electrophoresis New Advancements Marc DeRoo-Microbiology Case studies Don Giacherio- Secondary Thyroid Function Testing LouAnn Dake-Bone Marrow Transplant: Current Concept & Transfusion Guidelines Eric Vasbinder-Of Mice & Men: Hamma’s Heterophiles & Other Immunoassay Interferences
Clinical Laboratory News, Notes, and Kudos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labs that are working on process improvement projects that would like to display data can contact Kristina Martin ( for future dashboards. Kudos To all of the Pathology Staff presenting at the 2013 ASCLS-Michigan Annual Meeting. FRIDAY Michael Imperiale- Biosafety & Biosecurity in the Clinical Lab Terry Downs- Massive Transfusion Protocols Jeff Warren- Clinically Unsuspected Cryoglobulinemia Mike Bachman- The Principles and Practice of Molecular Biology Jeana Houseman-MALDI-TOF Microbial Identification System for the Future Carl Byington- Implications of Indirect vs. Direct Electrolyte Measurements. Linda Brish & Colleen ????? For pulling together and searching through the Immunology laboratory for additional sample required to complete a kidney transplant cross match for a 7yo girl.
Clinical Laboratory News, Notes, and Kudos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labs that are working on process improvement projects that would like to display data can contact Kristina Martin ( for future dashboards. Kudos Linda Brish & Colleen McDermott For pulling together and searching through the Immunology laboratory for additional sample required to complete a kidney transplant cross match for a 7yo girl. “Collaboration like this is what contributes to patient excellence” -Tim Williams-HLA Laboratory HLA Laboratory-Pulling together as a team to handle a water leak and maintain operations during the chaos.