mesons as probes to explore the chiral symmetry in nuclear matter z Nagoya university Quark-Hadron theory Group Daiki Suenaga
Contents 1. Introduction I : What is the chiral symmetry ? 2. Introduction II : Chiral partner structure 3. Model and Calculation 4. Results and a summary
Contents 1. Introduction 1. Introduction I : What is the chiral symmetry ? 2. Introduction II : Chiral partner structure 3. Model and Calculation 4. Results and a summary
1. Introduction I ・Standard model - QED (Quantum electrodynamics) - the theory which can explain elementary particles - QED (Quantum electrodynamics) WS theory - weak interaction (beta decay) (perturbative) - strong interaction (origin of nuclear force) QCD (non-perturbative)
1. Introduction I ・Standard model - QED (Quantum electrodynamics) - the theory which can explain elementary particles - QED (Quantum electrodynamics) WS theory - weak interaction (beta decay) (perturbative) - strong interaction (origin of nuclear force) QCD (non-perturbative)
= 1. Introduction I ・The nature of QCD - We cannot solve QCD by hand ! nucleon bound state of three quarks (bound by QCD dynamics) - QCD is not perturbative in low energy region - We cannot solve QCD by hand ! ( big problem !)
× 1. Introduction I ・Problems related to QCD - Color confinement problem × Single quarks are not observable ( Why quark is so shy ? ) - Mass gap problem three quarks nucleon Nucleon mass is much larger than the sum of mass of three quark ( Why nucleon is so fat ? What did you eat ? ) - These are originated from the non-perturbative nature of QCD
1. Introduction I ・QCD vacuum - Chiral symmetry can give us a clue to - Chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken ( cf. BCS theory, higgs mechanism, etc ) - Nucleon mass is explained effectively - Pion dynamics is also explained - Chiral symmetry can give us a clue to explain the origin of mass of us
1. Introduction I Understanding of the chiral symmetry Understanding of origin of us ! I think ...
1. Introduction I ・Chiral symmetry has not well understood - For example, nucleon mass is originated from the chiral symmetry partially (parity doublet model) ? no answer... C. E. DeTar and T. Kunihiro, Phys. Rev. D 39, 2805 (1989) D. Jido, M. Oka, and A. Hosaka, Prog. Theor. Phys. 106, 873 (2001) How about consider in medium ? - Material around us is made of nuclear matter (nucleus) - We want to know about chiral symmetry in nuclear matter
1. Introduction I ・Chiral symmetry at density - Chiral condensate in the vacuum ( is order parameter )
1. Introduction I ・Chiral symmetry at density - Chiral condensate at lower density
1. Introduction I ・Chiral symmetry at density - Chiral condensate at higher density
1. Introduction I ・Chiral symmetry at density - Chiral condensate at higher density - chiral symmetry is expected to be partially restored in nuclear matter
1. Introduction I ・How can we explore the chiral in medium ? - mesons can be good probes because… quark mesons - expansion is applicable (Heavy quark spin symmetry) quarks - We can directly extract the information of chiral symmetry
Contents 1. Introduction 1. Introduction I : What is the chiral symmetry ? 2. Introduction II : Chiral partner structure 3. Model and Calculation 4. Results and a summary
2. Introduction II ・Chiral partner structure mass parity + parity - spin 1 ・ ・ spin 0 ・ ・ spin 1 spin 0
2. Introduction II ・Chiral partner structure mass parity + parity - spin 1 ・ ・ spin 0 ・ ・ spin 1 mass difference between opposite parity state comes from chiral symmetry breaking spin 0
2. Introduction II ・Chiral partner structure mass parity + parity - spin 1 ・ ・ spin 0 ・ ・ M. A. Nowak, M. Rho, and I. Zahed, PRD 48 (1993) W. A. Bardeen and C. T. Hill, PRD 49 (1994). spin 1 mass difference between opposite parity state comes from chiral symmetry breaking spin 0
2. Introduction II ・Chiral partner structure mass parity + parity - spin 1 ・ ・ spin 0 ・ ・ M. A. Nowak, M. Rho, and I. Zahed, PRD 48 (1993) W. A. Bardeen and C. T. Hill, PRD 49 (1994). spin 1 mass difference between opposite parity state comes from chiral symmetry breaking spin 0
2. Introduction II Mass of mesons in medium ? How can we observe it ? Is it possible ...?
2. Introduction II ・Decay of excited state in vacuum - Excited state mesons (parity +) can decay into the ground state mesons by emitting a pion in the vacuum mass decay ○ vacuum
2. Introduction II ・Decay of excited state in medium - Chiral symmetry is expected to be partially restored in the nuclear matter mass decay but weaken ○ vacuum in medium
× 2. Introduction II ・Decay of excited state in medium - Chiral symmetry is expected to be partially restored in the nuclear matter mass × decay × if vacuum in medium - Not only mass of mesons, but also the spectral function of them are important (especially excited state )
Contents 1. Introduction I : What is the chiral symmetry ? 2. Introduction II : Chiral partner structure 3. Model and calculation 4. Results and a summary
3. Model and calculation ・Lagrangian for heavy-light mesons - Heavy-light mesons transform as - Lagrangian is of the form where
3. Model and calculation ・Lagrangian for heavy-light mesons - Heavy-light mesons transform as - Lagrangian is of the form - corresponds to mass difference between chiral partners - we take where
3. Model and calculation ・Lagrangian in relativistic form - Heavy-light mesons are converted via and as - Lagrangian in relativistic form takes
3. Model and calculation ・How can we introduce matter effect ? - Nuclear matter is constructed by the linear sigma model with nucleon one loop with - Density dependence of is obtained from the gap equation with 2
2. Introduction II We have got Lagrangian of mesons We have constructed nuclear matter Connect them !
3. Model and calculation ・Fluctuations of in nuclear matter - Modifications of mesons are introduced as - propagator must be resummed one as where
Contents 1. Introduction I : What is the chiral symmetry ? 2. Introduction II : Chiral partner structure 3. Model and calculation 4. Results and a summary
4, Results and a summary ・Mass of mesons - Masses at several densities mass [MeV] 449 ↕ 388 ↕ 323 ↕ 229 ↕
4, Results and a summary ・Mass of mesons - Masses at several densities mass [MeV] 449 ↕ 388 ↕ 323 ↕ 229 ↕ - Mass difference gets small at higher density - Consequence of partial restoration of chiral symmetry !
4, Results and a summary ・Spectral function for mesons - Spectral function at several densities - in vacuum - results - Spectral function in vacuum - the results in several densities
4, Results and a summary ・Spectral function for mesons - Spectral function at several densities - in vacuum - results - The value of on shell mass decreases as density increases
4, Results and a summary ・Spectral function for mesons - Spectral function at several densities - in vacuum - results - decay width of gets narrowed since mass difference between and gets small
4, Results and a summary ・Spectral function for mesons - Spectral function at several densities - in vacuum - results - Landau damping due to the medium effects appears
4, Results and a summary ・Spectral function for mesons - Spectral function at several densities - in vacuum - results - Another perk can appear ?? ( threshold cusp?? )
4, Results and a summary ・Summary - We calculated the spectral function for meson in nuclear matter with partial restoration of chiral symmetry - As density increases, mass difference between and mesons gets small since chiral symmetry is partially restored - Decay width of gets narrowed - The other peak corresponds to Landau damping appears
4, Results and a summary ・How can we observe in experiments ? - Spectral function for can be observed in decay as follows ① (pair creation) nucleus
4, Results and a summary ・How can we observe in experiments ? - Spectral function for can be observed in decay as follows ① ② (medium modified) (pair creation) nucleus nucleus
4, Results and a summary ・How can we observe in experiments ? - Spectral function for can be observed in decay as follows ① ② (medium modified) (pair creation) nucleus nucleus ③ (decay in medium) nucleus
4, Results and a summary ・How can we observe in experiments ? - Spectral function for can be observed in decay as follows ① ② (medium modified) (pair creation) nucleus nucleus ③ ④ catch! (decay in medium) observe the spectral function catch! nucleus nucleus
Thank you for your attention
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Back up ・Interaction among all four mesons All mesons can mix
Back up ・Subtraction and regularization