Leonardo project meeting Music Education Research Team Royal College of Music, London 3 February 2007
Music education research at the RCM Good management practice (HEFCE) Working in music (PCF) Performer-teachers (AHRB) School teachers (TTA) Research seminars (5 funders) Learning to perform (ESRC) Zoning in (Leverhulme) Everyday life (BA) SKBC (TTA) Learn to teach (NTFS HEA) SAS (TTA) Sounds of learning (US) Taster (TTA)
Question 1: In England, what is the role of the instrumental teacher in general education and in music education? Music is part of the National Curriculum for ALL students aged 5-14 years at government-funded (state) schools Many students also study an instrument, often at school, or in bands or orchestras
Question 2: In your opinion, what are in England the most qualifying features of professional training for instrumental teachers-to-be? What could be improved and how? Musicianship: That teachers communicate their love of music to their students That teachers understand that music is creative, and that all students will have something to communicate
Question 3: How is the training system for instrumental teachers assessed and evaluated? Instrumental teachers in England do not have to be trained, or evaluated! However: Voluntary scheme through the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Some students train as class teachers and use this expertise as instrumental teachers
Question 4: How do you think comparison with other European countries could be useful? At the RCM, we run voluntary courses that enhance students abilities as instrumental teachers e.g. Learn to Teach, Creative Partnership, Students Associate Scheme Voluntary is good! Could voluntary provision be one part of a way forward across Europe?
Question 5: Do you believe European integration process to be functional or not to the best possible training for instrumental teachers-to-be in England? Continue the conversations developed through the Leonardo project: discover what is happening and what is working across Europe Food for thought: Things are always changing; we need to make our solution flexible We need to be careful not to slow down transfer between institutions