Reading Coach/Contact Meeting January 2015 Welcome Back!
Welcome Back Please sign in and leave your Action Plans with supporting documentation at the front table
Celebrate Literacy Week Sent 10/7 to Reading Contacts: Everybody Writes Integration?! -- How does Reading Accelerate Success? Site Visits-
i-Ready Training Curriculum and Associates Professional Development Specialist
Third Grade Progression Technical Assistance Paper— with notes from Sarah Portfolio Exemplar What do you notice? IBTP Homework… Login and search “Portfolio” In the meantime…
Elementary/(Middle) Resources: K-2 Comprehension Instructional Sequence Points to Remember Coaching “soundbites” CIS is an instructional routine used during content area reading. Note-taking is specific and used to do something All re-reading is done with a purpose Vocabulary is approached authentically. What was the purpose for reading this information the 2nd time…3rd time? How will you use the notes/coding to formatively assess students? What will students do with the notes? What vocabulary did you select for this reading? Why?
Elementary/(Middle) Resources: K-2 Comprehension Instructional Sequence K-2 Modifications K-2 Resources In Kindergarten, most written response is treated as a shared activity with the teacher controlling the pen. Student writing is categorized according to text marking codes. The final written response is a combination of the text coding and note-taking. Model Lessons (Sharepoint)
Elementary/(Middle) Resources: 3-5 Task Cards DRAFT FORM 3rd-4th posted to webpage, 5 by month’s end How has your school used Task Cards in prior years? Should task cards be created for all grades?
Elementary/(Middle) Resources: 90+30 Minute ELA Block DRAFT FORM Reading+/Writing (30) Component Scheduled together 90 minutes must be uninterrupted….. 10 important points
Lunch Time!
Straight from the Horse’s Mouth….. Take 7 minutes and ONE colored highlighter to.. Mark (highlighting) the Text: YELLOW: Comparison BLUE (pen): Sequence GREEN: Cause-Effect ORANGE: Problem-Solution What category did we just code? Were all present?
Straight from the Horse’s Mouth….. TEXT CODING by STRUCTURE What is the overall structure of this passage? What grade level is this passage? What are the instructional implications of this activity?
Student-Based Text Response Connecting the Dots Brochure From Written Response… To Composition LAFS Learning Progressions Complex Texts Text-based Questions Text-based Tasks Strategies and Tools
How to Connect the Dots… (p.2) Teaching text structure is important! -- students who can’t summarize are unable to sort important information from text. -- sorting of important information requires knowledge of text structure -- students must summarize and paraphrase in order to integrate ideas
Learning Progressions (p.3) The beauty of the standards is their progression… Look horizontally at standard across the grades…. Block one out… The standards are also mutually supportive… Look vertically
Complex Text (p.4 and 5) Close reading must stop pushing the reader out of the text and bring the reader into it Sarah Adams Morton Text-based Questions & Text Based Tasks Comprehension Instructional Sequence! Note p. 5 is students first response to questions on p. 4; final text based response is on laminated reference sheet.
Paired Text Writing to Sources (p.6 – 7) Links foundational instruction to extended writing to sources Select Text Sets Create STANDARDS-BASED question sets Use writing frames and tools to support students.
Resources The Art of Argumentation Fisher&Frey, Ross Higher Order Comprehension Moves CIERA School Change Project *Instructional Rubric & DRAFT Student tool-kit ;)
CCRP Update Midyear Report Highlights: Ranked a 3 (successful) in all areas Progress Monitoring changed to STAR (and FAIR-FS for intensive). Everybody Writes initiative used as example of how data informs instructional decisions or shifts in literacy practices Coach/Contact monthly PD/Action Plans used to illustrate communication and collaboration Professional Learning Communities, Lesson Study, and district Train-the-Trainer models cited as systematic follow-up to professional development. Placement of students and staff to ensure literacy needs are met differed at elementary and middle/high.
FSA Writing Assessment (Updates) Field Testing! Writing Resources at Website– share and get feedback.