Memorandum of Procedure on Restricted Patients Fiona Currie Mental Health Division
Key Changes pre-disposal orders use of new forms suspension of detention applications & references appeals
Pre-disposal orders all remand patients restricted change to “return to prison” Chapter 2
Use of new forms RMO reports (CORO1 & HD1) suspension of detention (SUS3) Chapters 4, 5 & Annex J
Suspension of detention includes all events out with hospital escorted & unescorted new application proforma (annex B3) certificate from RMO (SUS3)
Suspension of detention (cont.) report to Scottish Ministers recording periods of ‘suspension’ revocation of certificate RMO Scottish Ministers Chapter 5 & annexes B3 & B4
Applications & References Patient and named person Scottish Ministers, following: Recommendation from RMO Notice from Mental Welfare Commission 2 year review duty to keep CO/RO under review Chapter 9
Appeals Mental Health Tribunal Court of Session Chapter 13
Website addresses