nuSTORM at Fermilab D Adey 2013 Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Super-beams and Beta-beams Working Group 3 – Accelerator Topics Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing 21st August 2013
Contents Concept Motivations/Benefits Accelerator complex Detectors Implementation
NeUtrinos from STORed Muons 60-120 GeV POT Pion capture Transport line and injection π → μ decays in ring μ storage for ~ 70 turns Nμ = (POT) X (π/POT) X εcollection X εinj X (μ/π) X Adynamic X Ω 1021 POT in 5 years of running @ 120 GeV in Fermilab PIP era 0.1 π/POT μ/POT = 8x10-3 at end of first straight Adynamic = 0.6 (FODO) Ω = Straight/circumference ratio (0.39) (FODO) 1.9 X 1018 useful μ decays Precise flux with known flavour content Note: nuSTORM will be limied to 1020 POT/yr
ν physics motivations Sterile neutrinos Cross sections Giunti arXiv:1106.4479 Cross sections in few GeV range not as well known as low or high energies One of the largest systematic errors for oscillation experiments No realistic standard candle Old data is proving difficult to interpret Gallium: 2.7σ evidence for νe disappearance LSND: 3.8σ evidence for νe appearance MiniBooNE: 3.8σ evidence for νe and νe appearance Reactor: 3.0σ evidence for νe disappearance LEP limits to 3 light, interacting neutrinos Short baseline experiment
Sterile neutrino search 1.5 cm steel plates 2 view 0.75cm scintillator bars with WLS fibres and SiPM readout ~13m 1.3kton fiducial mass SCTL generates magnetic field νe → νμ CC Signal (LSND CPT) νe → νe CC Background (range) νμ → νμ CC Background (curvature) νe → νe NC Background (range) νμ → νμ NC Background (range) Inject only one sign π Cut π decay neutrinos by timing μ CC penetrates much further than e CC and NC Toroidal field discriminates signal (focussed) from background (defocussed) muons
Simple cuts-based approach Improved by MVA approach kNN and neural nets are also considered Signal efficiency Backgrounds Sterile neutrino exclusion at LSND best fits remains strong against systematic assumptions and magnetic field reduction νe analysis in progress
Additional detector concepts Software framework for characterisation of performance of generic detector types within NuStorm context Ar TPC and TASD in front of MIND-like detector for muon ranging Slot for cross-section target (H) TASD prototypes underway with MVA analyses Straw-tube tracker
Implementation at Fermilab
Implementation at Fermilab Use Main injector main abort line extracting at 120GeV Target station, pion transfer line and injection into storage ring Pion decay in first straight Near detector at 20m Far detector ~ 2000m
Proton Beamline Elements Majority of magnets standard design Main injector abort spare line
MI Abort line Reconfiguration 3/27/2013 Michael Geelhoed Fermilab AD EBD 11 MI Abort line Reconfiguration Q001 Q002 Q003 Bermpipe
Target 100KW (prepare for 400KW) 120GeV from main injector Graphite target within NuMI-like horn Li lens would be beyond state of art MARS studies suggest 0.1 pions / POT Significant irradiation of first quadrupoles in transport line
Target hall Decay straight Proton extraction Possible muon extraction for low momentum use Target hall Decay straight Proton extraction
Pions injecting into muon storage ring requires dual optics solution
Near detector hall at 20m Facility for both near detector for oscillation studies (200T magnetised iron scintillator) and other near detectors (cross section studies, neutrino detector test area)
Far Detector Hall D0 assembly building at a good baseline Placement of 1.3kT Magnetised Iron Scintillator detector (SuperBIND)
Instrumentation of the stored muon beam allows for the precise measurement of the neutrino flux
Costing Sub System Cost M$ Primary Beam Line 28.5 Target Station 37.9 Transport Line 16.5 Decay Ring 135.2 Near Hall 23.51 SuperBIND 27.12 Site work 27 Other 2.5 Sub Total 298.2 Management 37.13 Total 335.3
Summary Work on sterile search and cross section physics potential Proton source, target, capture, injection and decay ring work Far detector reconstruction and analysis Near detector concepts Implementation at sites at Fermilab Proposal submitted to Fermilab PAC has received approval Thanks to nuStorm colleagues for slides, in particular A. Bross, M. Geelhoed, R. Bayes, C. Tunnel, D. Neuffer, A. Liu
Implementation at CERN Use SPS at 60GeV 10μs pulse (compared to 2μs at FNAL) Use North area Proportion of preparatory work not site specific
Radiation hard magnets (Cozzolino - BNL) High temperature and radiation tolerant quadrupoles under investigation at Brookhaven