Where have all the GPs gone? Reflections from a workshop at 15th National Multi-Specialty Conference Helen Mead
The workshop The workshop opened with a brief description of where we are now (see The background and The college) An exercise was tabled (The Exercise) A discussion occurred very loosely guided by the exercise but actually looking at the problem in a wider way
The background Previously there was a choice of organisations for GP Educators Association of Course Organisers (ACO became UKAPD) for TPDs National Association of Primary Care Educators (NAPCE) favoured by appraisers United Kingdom Conference of Postgraduate Educational Advisers (UKCEA) All of these now defunct
The College RCGP formed a Medical Educators Group but very wide remit from undergraduate educators upwards Held separate 1 day conference prior to RCGP conference Then subsumed into last day of RCGP Now has become a “stream” for 1 day of a 2.5 day conference
The exercise You are an advertising company and have been tasked with attracting GP Educators to become members of NACT. What do you need to know about GP TPDs in order to target them? What do you think are the Unique Selling Points (USP) of NACT and what information do you think GP Educators would need? Design a campaign to attract GP educators including, but not limited to: Slogan or tag line Social media campaign Design of leaflets Distribution strategy for marketing materials
The discussion Why don’t GPs come to NACT? Perceived as secondary care focused Not aware of it as an organisation Looking for something more familiar (craft based, small group based, opportunities to share triumphs & frustrations)
Why do we need a “national” meeting? Stop duplicating effort & reinventing the wheel Share good practice Share experiences – good & bad Time & space for critical reflection on their practice set in a wider context Can have a collective voice representing their group and lobbying for change
“I feel a survey coming on….” Do we really know what they want? Do we understand the barriers? How would we create a demand? Needs to be relevant Be clear about the offer Be clear about the cost
So what is the problem…? Life is busy! Need to encourage trainees to think of a career in education Not yet accepting the move to portfolio careers Haven’t recognised the similarities between educational and clinical communication skills Need to develop the role of clinical leader in medical education Lack of clear career structure for educators Life is busy!
….and the answer?