Roman Time Machine By Jaxon Emery
Starvation in Rome The Roman Empire was facing starvation for a couple reasons. One reason was because the empire got so big that it did not have enough roads. It was hard to transport the food all around the empire. Also because it was so big, they did not have enough framers to grow food. The emperors taxed the Roman citizens too much money and due to that, the majority of the populatin was poor. That included farmers. since the farmers were poor they could not grow food. That led to starvation in Rome. The food that the farmers kept for themselves got taken by tax collecters so the farmers had no food. Julious Caesar cut down welfare, which made Rome thrive, but after he died it started to fail. Rome's starvation was due to different reasons and they all killed and destroyed the Empire.
Starvation in The U.S. Starvation in the U.S. is occuring for reasons that are nothing like the Roman Empire. Since the U.S. is much more improved and more complicated, we have different way to fix things and different ways to take care of a problem. In the U.S, starvation is occuring everywhere. The majority of the time it is occuring in poor cities or urban places. Just like Rome, the taxes in the U.S. are too high for some people. Those people are too poor to afford these taxes and too poor to afford food for themselves. The U.S. also has a welfare program. The people who are on welfare sometimes do not gte enough money for food. A lot of people who can not afford food have families. Those peopole in their families need to be fed too. But sometimes the family is either too big or the family does not get enough money to feed the whole family. If the U.S. gave out more money to those families, inflation could occur.
Could we Fix the Rome Starvation? From research I have found and based on the information I was given from the Freestore Foodbank, I say Yes. We could fix the Roman starvation problem. We are facing the same problem today, but for different reasons. The difference of the reasons is why it is hard to say if we could or not. The Roman Empire faced starvation because of size of the empire and taxes. Well, our country is pretty big but we still have no trouble transporting food all over the country. We do have tax problems, but our welfare program is stopping the poor from starvation. The welfare program we have is much more complicated and well thaught out than the Romans. The Romans had road problems, but we could have fixed the roads by the time the food was transported. And from that, I would say that we could save Rome from its starvation problem with our problem solving skills, and better technology.