This is an example/template of ordering and content for a investor or generic business plan presentation. See text on slides as ideas for topic to cover. Up to you to add graphics, layouts, adjust titles and more We have added some ideas for inspiration and backup content for you. Stolen with pride from Guy Kawasaki’s ‘Art of the Start’ and some other clever people…
10/20/30 rule - 10 ppt slides, presented in 20 min smallest font 30 pts (or age of audience divided by 2) For elevator pitch (30 sec – 2 min) spend this on slide 1-2 (problem – solution) Avoid moving stuff, animations, sounds. This takes focus away from YOU (and might not work correct). Remember communication is 90% non-verbal (body language, tonality, …) and 10% verbal/written – so have fun and show it !!! Key to winning an investor/bank/… over is one thing and one thing only – they must feel and understand that you will solve a real problem and that there is money available for solving this.
Title Page – Company name ‘we do XXX for yyy’ statement Good graphical background, this slide might be up for a few minutes before your presentations starts
Overview of Problem/Opportunity What searing pain/problem exists and needs ot be fixed? Or, what great opportunity for pleasure is not yet solved? How many people/organizations feel this pain or need this offering? Provide some metric (kr, hours, …) on this (you will need this later to motivate pricemodel + assumptions on how customers will buy).
Value Proposition How do you solve this problem or add pleasure (see previous slide) What makes you special? Why will you win? What are your unfair advantages? Why is the field tilted in your direction? It can be technology, relationships, founders. “We’re smart, hardworking, and really believe” doesn’t cut it. Everybody says that. Hightly unlikely that it’s patents too.
Secret Sauce (Ideally demonstrated in a demo) What makes you special? Why will you win? What are your unfair advantages? Why is the field tilted in your direction? It can be technology, relationships, founders. “We’re smart, hardworking, and really believe” doesn’t cut it. Everybody says that. Hightly unlikely that it’s patents too.
Business Model How will you make money? (who will pay you, price levels, connect back to value of problem you solve). Don’t show multiple revenue streams and don’t try to make the point that you’re inventing a new way to make money. Take your best shot and run with it. The most important thing to explain is the assumptions in your business model and how they determined the financial projections in the previous slide. Show how your ‘engine’ works (metrics)
Go-to-Market Plan Explain how you are going to get your customers Be hands-on, clear, metrics Give understanding of how this will affect cash-flow
Competitive Analysis Provide complete yet easy-to-explain overview of competitors, be prepared to show you know their owners, management teams, products, pricemodels. Assume that the audience knows as much, and maybe more, about the segment as you do. If you say “we have no competition,” it usually means that you’re either (a) clueless or (b) addressing a market that doesn’t exist. Show what you can do and what you can’t (and why). This builds your credibility. If you’ll admit how your competition is better than you, people are more likely to believe you when you discuss how you’re better than your competition. Perhaps show graph, table, … but have good story/presentation around this.
Management Team Describe key players in management team, board members, advisors (name, title, one sentence of experience) Do not worry if you are missing competences, be explicit about this instead and discuss how you can attract this instead. Perhaps simple org chart (if you are large - or as backup)
Financial Projections & Key Metrics Show a 3 year forcast on financials (revenues, costs) and key metrics (e.g. staff, customers, products, conversion metrics). This needs to be done bottom-up and not based on ‘we will get 10% of market and this means 100 customer and 1000 kr’
Current Status, Accomplishments, Timeline & Use of Funds Explain current status (show what has been done) Show plan forward key actions near term Financial plan (amount you are raising or in need of how / when to raise or get loan, grant or …) How will you use fund you raise (show 3-5 actions at most, not in depth detail).
Backup slides Things to have at hand or perhaps to use as example for previous slides
Inspiration on pitching Google some of these phrases: Guy kawasaki 10 slides Getting to WOW Perfect pitching vc Lots of great content on YouTube and more
Company details Show table of owners (group employees together) Outstanding option programs Perhaps investment history
Demo Screen shots Wireframes Architecture overview Live demo (web page), … Show from end-user perspective Be prepared for no/slow internet access
Financials and metrics 2018 2019 2020 Customer meetings 200 3 Demo/pilot 20 Customers 5 - Product X licences 500 -Support & traiing Revenues (KSEK) Staff 1+4 1+8 1+15 Costs (KSEK) 4 000 40% Results after fin. -Y Mkr +5 Mkr Funding need 3-6 Mkr
Use of proceeds (KSEK) 2018 2019 2020 Team/Salary Patent/IPR Tester & Certifiering Offices Equipment/HW Marketing Sales Legal Other Total
Org chart CEO R&D Prod Mgmt M&S Supply/Support 2018 1 (ingen lönekostnad) 1 +1 (inkl VD) 1/2 2019 1 2 +1 2020 2 3+1