The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada The SOGC’s mission is to promote excellence in the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology and to advance the health of women through leadership, advocacy, collaboration and education. The SOGC is comprised of over 3,500 members, including obstetrician/gynaecologists, family physicians, nurses, midwives, and other allied health professionals. Our goal is to advance the health of women, and at the SOGC we recognize that the best way to do this is through collaboration – bringing together the various disciplines that work in the field of women’s health.
Some member benefits include: Patient education resources; Clinical Practice Guidelines and resources for health care professionals; Reduced fees for events and courses; Opportunities to get involved with committees and share your expertise; Awards, Bursaries, and Grants. I would like to invite each of you here today to become a member of the SOGC. There are many membership benefits that you will receive, such as reduced fees for events and courses, and access to patient education resources. But the SOGC will also benefit from your membership… and we look forward to hearing your ideas for how we can work together to improve the delivery of health care to women in Canada, and their families.
Personally… I value SOGC membership because… it makes it easier for me to provide good care for my patients. (add more?) I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you and hope to see you all at the next SOGC event! Thank you