Marriage and Family Part I: Marriage – Research and create a brief slideshow defines and provides two examples (each) of cultures throughout the world that would be seen as representative of 1.) monogamous, and 2.) polygamous marriages. Four slides total will be created, and each should include a brief overview of the cultures’ geographic and cultural origin, at least one illustration and citations for all information provided. It should go without saying, but Wikipedia, Ask, etc… or any other common-source resources are invalid sources of information. Slides will be printed in a 2/page handout format for submission. Part II: Family/Children – Using any available online resources, locate, summarize, and evaluate three recent (within the last five years) articles that discuss the impact of 1.) blended families, 2.) single-parent families, and 3.) same-sex marriages on the children in them. For each, be sure to provide the title, author, a brief summary of the article, and your personal response to author’s suggestions/thesis. You must include a link to the article for any online article. Part III: Divorce – Study the infographic and article provided below, and then respond to the following (citing additional outside resources as needed): a.) How has the divorce rate been misrepresented in the past? Why do you think this misrepresentation occurs? b.) What are the major societal factors leading to divorce in the US? Do you believe those have changed over the years? Explain. c.) Provide a brief, supported hypothesis as to why divorce rates vary across all 50 states. If the hypothesis is not your own, cite your source.,9171,1989124,00.html