AP Psychology Jeopardy Round 1 Methods & Approaches Biological Influences Sensation & Perception States of Consciousness Learning & Memory 100 200 300 400 500
100 In an experiment to determine the effects of attention on memory, memory is this.
200 This type of research would allow you to determine whether students' college grades accurately predict later income.
300 If a psychologist studies the play behavior of third-grade children by watching groups during recess at school, she is using this type of research.
400 The way the mind encodes, processes, stores, and retrieves information is the primary concern of this perspective.
500 In psychological research, when a difference between two groups is not likely to be due to chance variation.
100 The nerve fibers that enable communication between the right and left cerebral hemispheres and that have been severed in split-brain patients.
200 This is the part of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body down.
300 The brain research technique that involves monitoring the brain's usage of glucose.
400 Beginning at the front of the brain and moving toward the back of the head, then down the skull and back around to the front, this is the correct order of the cortical regions (lobes).
500 This is a brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron.
100 A person claiming to be able to read another's mind is claiming to have this ESP ability.
200 This sense involves information from the muscles, tendons, and joints and enables you to feel yourself wiggling your toes even with your eyes closed.
300 The fact that figures tend to be perceived as whole, complete objects, even if spaces or gaps exist in the representation demonstrates this perceptual principle.
400 This states that the just noticeable difference for any stimulus is a constant proportion.
500 The brain breaking vision into separate dimensions such as color, depth, movement, and form, and working on each aspect simultaneously would be an example of this.
100 A person who requires increasing amounts of a drug in order to feel its effect is said to have developed this.
200 A person who falls asleep in the midst of a heated argument probably suffers from this.
300 These are regular body cycles that occur on a 24-hour schedule. When they are disrupted, it causes “jet lag.”
Night terrors occur during this stage of sleep. 400 Night terrors occur during this stage of sleep.
500 According to this theory, dreaming represents the brain's effort to integrate unrelated bursts of activity in visual brain areas with the emotional tone provided by limbic system activity.
100 When a conditioned stimulus is presented without an accompanying unconditioned stimulus, this will soon take place.
200 Vividly remembering what you were doing on September 11, 2001, when terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center towers would be an example of this type of memory.
300 This psychologist helped demonstrate observational learning with the famous “Bobo doll” study.
400 The “piecework,” or commission, method of payment is an example of this reinforcement schedule.
This is the name for visual sensory memory. 500 This is the name for visual sensory memory.