Mission Earth: Fusing GLOBE with NASA Assets to Build Systemic Innovation in STEM Education (10/31/2017) Programmatics PI/Institution: Kevin Czajkowski / The University of Toledo PI Email: kevin.czajkowski@utoledo.edu Total Value: $6,818,242 Period of Performance: 2016-2021 Summary Description: MISSION EARTH is a systematic embedding of NASA assets, infused into GLOBE — Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment — into the curricula of schools along the K-12 continuum, leveraging existing partnerships and networks and supported through state departments of education, as a systemic, effective, and sustainable approach to meeting NASA’s science education objectives. MISSION EARTH brings together scientists and science educators to develop a K-12 “Earth as a system” curriculum progression. The curriculum will incorporate design principles that will make it appropriate for all student populations, especially those currently underrepresented in STEM careers. The project will also work closely with the schools to ensure that the innovations take hold, using participant input to improve the products. Working with districts, state educational agencies, and key networks, the project will incorporate into existing professional development infrastructures and support structures to replicate and disseminate its work Science Focus: Earth as a System, STEM Audience(s): K-16 students & teachers including Region(s) Served: Providence (RI), New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee, career/ technical schools, engineering & education New Mexico and California colleges Website(s): http://www.globe.gov/web/mission-earth ; www.facebook.com/globemissionearth ; YouTube: http:tinyurl.com/globemissionearth Current Partnerships Team Members and Institutions Monroe County (Michigan) Intermediate School District (ISD) Toledo Public Schools and other Ohio schools Palmyra Environmental Nature Park and Discovery Center/CUNY Providence School District Providence & Revere Public Schools California Department of Education High Schools in California, Oakland School District New Mexico Department of Education/Forest Song Educational Services Tennessee State Department of Education Stratford STEM HS, Pearl-Cohn HS, Maplewood High School, Whites Creek High School, Nashville, TN Kevin Czajkowski, The University of Toledo Peter Garik, Boston University Svetlana Darche, WestEd David Padgett, Tennessee State University Jessica Taylor, NASA Langley Research Center Jennifer Bourgeault, GLOBE Coordinator John Moore, Palmyra Cove Nature and Environmental Center
Mission Earth: Fusing GLOBE with NASA Assets to Build Systemic Innovation in STEM Education (10/31/2017) Evaluator(s) Opportunities To develop curricular materials to support a vertically integrated K- 12 learning progression that fuses NASA learning assets with GLOBE activities to teach Earth as a system. To develop models of educational professional development that result in teachers’ use of NASA & GLOBE learning and teaching assets, especially in high need districts. To develop sustainable infrastructures in schools for use of NASA/GLOBE learning & teaching assets. To support STEM career development through linkages to scientists, real world application, and service learning. To collaborate & build capacity with district and state agencies. To infuse teacher preparation with NASA/GLOBE learning & teaching assets. Evaluator: Nektaria Adaktilou Evaluation Working Group: Clare Young, TSU Pamela Bingham, TSU Svetlana Darche, WestEd/UC Berkeley Mikell Lynne Hedley, UT Matt Silberglitt, WestEd/UC Berkeley Evangeline Stefanakis, BU Risks/Areas of Concern Measurable Achievement Developing an engineering section for the GLOBE program Increasing the undergraduate participation in the GLOBE Scaling up our efforts – How can we as a group work smarter and less harder? What supports do teachers need to implement project-based science into their classrooms? Why do some teachers do GLOBE and continue to work with us after the PD, while others do not? Increase of the teachers’ facility in using GLOBE in their classrooms and teaching science practices. Statistically significant increase in students’ content knowledge in: hydrology and spatial skills. Significant increase in students involvement in science projects (275 this past year). Increase in students’ interest in science careers. New and deeper partnerships leveraged for scaling best practices.
Mission Earth: Fusing GLOBE with NASA Assets to Build Systemic Innovation in STEM Education (10/31/2017) Dissemination Look Ahead All partners engaged in GLOBE training, presenting about GME, GLOBE and NASA at local and national conferences and doing outreach in their local communities. 4 out of 5 partners held GLOBE Professional Development & Training tying GLOBE with NASA resources. TSU will have PD with high school teachers this fall. UT and BU Colleges of Engineering are doing projects on developing better and cheaper instrumentation to use to collect GLOBE data. Pre-service Working Group continues to share best practices on how to implement GLOBE in science content & education courses and provide opportunities for students in local communities. GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) Webinar Series continuing this year and are archived on YouTube. http:tinyurl.com/globemissionearth Kevin Czajkowski, lead scientist for the Urban Heat Island/Surface Temperature Student Research Campaign on GLOBE Informing teachers about Atmosphere Learning Progressions GLOBE Protocols aligned with NASA Assets and NGSS Standards More training and presentations at local, state, national, and international organizational conferences Increase in the number of student research projects at the GLOBE Student Research Symposia GME Webinars occurring throughout the year Adding an undergraduate/graduate forum to the GLOBE International Virtual Symposium for projects with three foci: engineering, science content or science methods Developing an engineering strand in GLOBE Roll out of the GLOBE Carbon Protocols GLOBE Mission EARTH Website continually evolving Pilot test of the GLOBE Collaboration Campaign Documents: Hydrosphere Learning Progressions GLOBE Protocols aligned with NASA Assets and NGSS Standards, Biosphere Learning Progressions GLOBE Protocols aligned with NASA Assets and NGSS Standards and Pedosphere Learning Progressions GLOBE Protocols aligned with NASA Assets and NGSS Standards being completed All 5 institutions will have GME Professional Development for a new cohort of teachers next year. Each will be expanding to different grade levels and UT will focus on Career Tech teachers. Respective institutions will continue to work with current teachers & schools. PD/Curriculum Working group will continue their work of STEM-focus vertical alignment curriculum. Lessons will be tested out in the Professional Development Sessions. UT and BU will continue their work with their Colleges of Engineering. The Engineering Working Group will reach out to include more universities & community colleges. WE/UCB taking the lead in designing and sharing career development resources The Pre-Service Working Group will continue to meet and showcase how GLOBE can be implemented in undergraduate science content courses and pre-service education courses. Cross-Collaboration Status NESEC (Schwerin) ENSO (El Nino) Field Campaign: GME promotes this campaign to its teachers. Arctic and Earth SIGNs (STEM Integration of GLOBE and NASA): Elena Sparrow’s teacher in Alaska Classroom Connections connected with Kevin Czajkowski’s teacher from GLOBE Mission EARTH: On April 27, Carol Scott from Randy Smith School in Fairbanks, Alaska and Connie Atkisson from Thirkell Elementary-Middle School from Detroit, Michigan connected their science classes together over the internet. ARENS: David Bydlowski and Andy Henry are part of GLOBE Mission EARTH engineering working group. They are working with GME on the Engineering Design Challenge. Astronomical Society of the Pacific and GME West: Brian Kruse and Vivian White from Astronomical Society of the Pacific worked with Svetlana Darche and Tracy Ostrom on Solar Eclipse Event. NESEC (Schwerin): Kevin Czajkowski supported Odyssey of the Mind (IGES) as part of the NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative Team. GME also uses the GLOBE Observer app in many of its activities. 2017 Solar Eclipse: Matt Penn of the National Solar Observatory and the Citizen CATE Project - GME prepared equipment boxes with IRT and air temperature thermometers (with instructions) which were sent out to groups along totality to collect GLOBE data during the solar eclipse. 2017 Educators Toolkit for Earth Science Week featuring My NASA Data activities, completed by NESEC