JAZZ™ Apples Business Development Overview
The Jazz™ Story Launched onto the global market in 2002. Developed in 1985 in NZ by Alan White at HortResearch. A naturally bred cross between Royal Gala and Braeburn Jazz™ is the trademarked brand name . Variety name of the apple is actually “Scifresh”. Launched onto the global market in 2002. JAZZ™ is now New Zealand’s 3rd largest apple export variety. Will be second soon.
What makes Jazz™ so special? Great Natural Characteristics Best attributes of parents Sweet & tangy at same time Stays harder longer than other apples Consistent Quality & Extended Shelf Life Health Attributes
JAZZTM Global Variety Development A controlled production and marketing programme based on superior apple attributes. A unique offer to suppliers and buyers for sustainable premium pricing and returns. A worldwide, year round, planned, structured and protected growing & marketing network focused on maximising return to all stakeholders. Global technical support structure to growers. Traveling to growing regions and developing international collaborative communications.
JAZZ™ Production. 2010 - JAZZ™ New Zealand’s third largest apple crop. 1st sales of Jazz™ 2001 1.08m kg 2004 - 60,000 tce 13.68m kg 2008 - 760,000 tce 21.60m kg 2009 - 1,200,000 tce 43.20m kg 2012 - 2,400,000 tce 54.00m kg 2014 – 3,000,000 tce
FORECAST GLOBAL PRODUCTION 2010 will see 3,000,000 tce (54 mill kg) of JAZZ™ sold globally.
Produced in 12 Countries and Growing
Worldwide Sales Belgium NZ Luxembourg Netherlands Australia USA Canada UK Ireland France Germany UAE Saudi Arabia Belgium Luxembourg Spain Norway Sweden Malaysia Singapore Thailand Hong Kong Russia Netherlands Switzerland Denmark Austria Italy
Brand Strategy Build a consumer brand. Superior variety Capped Volume & Controlled IP Sustainable premium pricing. Consumer marketing campaigns New product initiatives
JAZZ™ Marketing Activity Flow Supporting retail 365 days a year. Online promotions Mobile advertising Vodafone Twitter – building JAZZ™ community, conversation Youtube (Guinness book of JAZZ™ records) Facebook – promo and feedback e-newsletter Online comps Web Updating Jazz story Retail offers Online competitions Educational including grower videos Product information. Sustainability Engaging kids with games. PR/Sponsorship Buildup to NZ season with newspapers and magazines. Ongoing media placements in suburban newspapers. World Rowing Cup, exposure through year and at events plus selling at the cup. Advertising/Events Suburban papers supporting retailer and promotions. Radio advertising coupled with store and online promotions. Radio promotions. Reaching high foot traffic with mall advertising and promos. (JAZZ™ and Snackers launch) Retail POS In store tastings POS material with nutrition, health, preparation ideas. In-store competitions tying back to online and ads. JAZZ™ Snackers extending reach and volume of high value
JAZZTM Snackers JAZZ™ Product Range Extension Smaller size fruit (135 count) Targeting children for lunch and snack occasions Multi sales point opportunity in store Distinctive point of sale design Marketing to new demographic Extends global appeal.
Summary JAZZ™ now 3rd largest apple variety grown in NZ Consumer preference for taste, “crunch” and juiciness Extended shelf life and product quality Capped production volumes and controlled marketing Global technical support for growers – consistent product Worldwide sales supported with strong brand marketing Continued New Product Development