Computer System Laboratory Lab10 – uCOS Application 2016/12/6 / 11
Experimental Goal Customize your sensor network (SIOTAS) on STM32F207. 2016/12/6 / 11
Environment Host System Build System Target System Software Windows XP IAR Embedded Workbench + Ubuntu 8.04 Target System PTK development board (STM32F207) Software PTK Examples Version 2 You can download it Here. 2016/12/6 / 11
Network Configurations 2016/12/6 / 11
Device Settings Step 1: open the device project and download. PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/OS_uCOS-II/rf_zigbee_zb01_Device/demo.eww 2016/12/6 / 11
Coordinator Settings Open the coordinator project and download. PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/OS_uCOS-II/rf_zigbee_zb01_Coordinator/demo.eww 2016/12/6 / 11
Testing LED0 will blinking when Coordinator/Device is working. LED1 will be forced in ON state when Coordinator/Device is connected. More information in PTK_Example_v2/Docs/PTK-RF-ZB-ZB01 2016/12/6 / 11
TCPIP Settings Open the TCPIP project and download. PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM- V6/OS_uCOS-II/base_uC-TCPIP-V2/demo.eww You should use socket to transfer data. More information in PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Libraries/OS_uCOS- II/Micrium-V29x/Software/uC-TCPIP-V2/Doc You can start with Chap 1, 2, 4, and 8. 2016/12/6 / 11
TCP Server Download source codes of TCP Server in Ubuntu. Successfully build the server and give it a test. % telnet 1110 Input some words. You should transfer coordinator’s data to Echo Server by TCP. 2016/12/6 / 11
Exercise Integrate together PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM-V6/OS_uCOS- II/base_uC-TCPIP-V2/demo.eww and PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM-V6/OS_uCOS- II/rf_zigbee_zb01_Coordinator/demo.eww to be able to transfer data between STM32F207 and the server through TCP-IP socket. You can first adjust PTK_Example_v2/ePBB/Applications/Projects/PTK-STM32F207/EWARM-V6/OS_uCOS- II/base_uC-TCPIP-V2/demo.eww to make it able to transfer data between STF32F207 and the server through TCP-IP socket. In the IAR interface, targeting at “demo – Flash-Debug”, you can find out those Preprocessor include-directories applied by a project in its C/C++ Compiler option. Consider uCOS-II\ and uC-TCPIP-V2\ in the directory C:\PTK_Example_v2\ePBB\Libraries\OS_uCOS-II\Micrium-V29x\Software\. Observe the difference of the relationship between projects we’re to integrate together from former labs, and how adjusting the Preprocessor include-directories can give you a hand. Hint: consider the following. <includes.h> → app_cfg.h ; net[XXX].h, app_tcpip.h App_TCPIP_Init() Others: adding *.c files, tuning stack size, priority and scheduling of modified/added task, … etc. based on your experience gained from former labs. 2016/12/6 / 11
Lab Requirement Show that you can make the coordinator collect data from the device through Zigbee, and then send to PC Ubuntu server through TCPIP socket. You’re encouraged to implement your own design of application. 2016/12/6 / 11