An Introduction to the International Classroom Program
What is it? At its most basic, the International Classroom is a cultural exchange between Denmark’s Helsingør Gymnasium and Great Valley High School Students spend 10 days in each country with host families. The program focuses on experiencing and comparing academic, cultural, and social aspects of society
When is it? GV in Denmark: TBD Danes at GV: March 15-24 Dates are chosen based on many factors, including PSSA/Keystone testing windows, Danish and U.S. school calendars, AP dates Bottom Line: while this is an academic exchange, the social element is vital…making sure that students are able to spend time with their Danish and American families is also considered when choosing dates.
Application and Acceptance Process Acceptance Committee considers Teacher input Discipline Attendance Grades Student Interview Not just for “A” students…a life changing experience that benefits the “standard kid” just as much as the AP kid.
Class Content During the nightly meetings, students will be expected to learn both English and Social Studies components There will be assignments that are part of the course This is a class worth .5 credits and is awarded a letter grade Recognizing that this is a class, we appreciate any one with questions or concerns to come to us personally and voice them—make it mutually beneficial. We all know it’s difficult to handle problems when there is no direct communication. This is something we try to teach the students—which is why they approach you in advance for work. We’re simply trying to model that communication for them. If you have questions/concerns/feedback that is constructive we are always willing to discuss issues with you.
During the Exchange A rigorous itinerary that takes mature individuals, it is not just for those who want to take a trip! Last year’s itinerary Your help and support makes a HUGE difference in the success of the participants -Many have always offered supports (after school sessions, extensions) but we ask all to adhere at least to the policy in the handbook (2 days for every missed day) -The nature of this exchange is interdisciplinary-bringing someone from other departments will provide valuable perspective and give the rest of the school insight into what the exchange is all about.