Sub-National Shelter & NFI Cluster Coordination meeting for C&S


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Presentation transcript:

Sub-National Shelter & NFI Cluster Coordination meeting for C&S 1. Review of minutes of previous meeting 2. WD-SAT: Damage assessment tool for Shelter Repair of war damages houses for Returnees, Stayees and Hosts : Final Tool and Upcoming training in Baghdad 3. Issues               a.) Pre Positioning for Anbar ( Updates )               b.)  Available plots in Anbar Camps (latest version)               c.) Summer activities –Gap Analysis (latest version)               d.) Tent Replacement (Kilo 18, AAF camps etc.) – Overcrowded tents and IDPs living in Kitchens 4. REACH : key findings of the Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (round 4)  5. Governorate Updates 6. AoB Wednesday, 28th June 2017

Current Cluster Team Structure Davide Nicolini- UNHCR National Cluster Coordinator +964 (0) 771 994 5694 Cornelius Weira - IOM Sub National Co-Chair - Centre and South Mobile +964 (0) 751 234 2548 Laurence West - UNHCR Sub National Coordinator – KRI Mobile + 964 771 911 0574 Michel Tia - IOM Information Management Officer - National +964 (0) 750 021 1720 Abdoulaye Dieye -NORCAP Information Management Officer - Assistant National Mobile +964 (0) 771 488 2672 Ali Rasul – UNHCR Senior Cluster Associate +964 (0) 750 445 4684 staff will be joining soon

Review of action points from previous meeting Partners requiring additional input on indicators for the activity info to coordinate with Cluster IMO – Ongoing process, feedback are expected. Partners to adhere to the reporting timeless for reporting data into activity info – ongoing Partners to update cluster on stocks and pipeline for the Western Anbar Preparedness – ongoing (UNHCR, QRCS, IOM provided input) UNHCR to update Summer Gap Analysis in Anbar – Done UNHCR to share information on overcrowded tents and IDP families living in Kitchens in camps – Done Cluster to share completed WD – SAT – IMO to Update Partners to agree on date of the WD – SAT training session in Baghdad – 2nd Week of July date to be determined on 28th June 2017

Damage assessment tool for Shelter Repair of war damages houses for Returnees, Stayees and Hosts: Final Tool and Upcoming training in Baghdad Not to be used yet (just for your information) the kobo link of the Tool : the revised questionnaire to be sharing with the cluster partners. Key review after roll out test Name of Agency doing the assessment Damages categorisation Age & Gender breakdowns Next step Setup a link with ASSIST and Migrate into ODK Roll out and Training Sessions as needed: In Erbil on 3Jul.17; in Baghdad on ..Jul.17

Do you have UNHCR enrollment Card/ID ? Linkage War Damaged Shelter Assessment Tool (WD-SAT) & UNHCR ASSIST/CHAT Do you have UNHCR enrollment Card/ID ? No Yes Would you like ? Record ID number WD-SAT Reg. ASSIST Beneficiary selection Appropriate responses

Cluster Key Issues / Pre Positioning for Anbar a.) Pre Positioning for Anbar UNHCR has pre positioned :- 2500 CRI kits prepositioned in MA WHs as 1500 kits in AMF Anbar governorate, and 1000 Kits in HTC WH, 2500 tents prepositioned in MA WHs in AMF. QRCS has prepositioned 429 tents MODM has prepositioned 600 tents IOM has prepositioned 500 NFI kits Partners are requested to share information on stocks and pipeline for Western Anbar anticipated Influx. Available Plots ( 7,385)

Cluster Key Issues / Summer activities –Gap Analysis (Latest Version) Agency Site Name # of Families Electricity Availability of elec. Method Average Water (l/p/d) Availability of Water Method Clothing Jerry can Cool box Fan Generator O&M* AWC Minimum Summer response Saba Salabol NNGO Bzebiez central camp (Al-Markazi) 670 Yes Connected to grid 10 Water trucking   Gap Generators & on mains grid Gap – high No Local Authority AL Ahssan 280 20 Gap-high Amriyat Al-Fallujah Camp 5 140 Available as per needed N/a- on mains grid Amriyat Al-Fallujah Camp 9 180 AK-8 100 Generator Gap -MODM/Fuel AK-1 133 connected to grid and Generator Gap-MODM/Fuel AK-2 104 generator AK-3 64 AK-6 94 AK-7 108 AK-11 63 G Gap- MODM /Fuel Kilo 18 camp 853 in the process of connecting to national grid connection still in progress

Cluster Key Issues / Summer activities –Gap Analysis ( Latest Version) DRC Al Alam 1 501 No Generator Available as per needed Connected to grid   Gap Gap- MODM /Fuel Gap – high Al Alam 2 791 Gap -MODM/Fuel MODM Al Alam 3 N/a Gap High IRD Olympic Stadium 1000 Yes Generator and grid Gop-MODM /Fuel Local Authority Al Shahama and Karama Camp 1,292 connected to grid No Water Supply Water trucking Al Wahda Camp - Baghdad 42 20 N/a- on mains grid Laylan -2 823 Laylan -3 789 Daquq 1,767 Total # of priority families 9,794

Cluster Key Issues / Tent Replacement (Kilo 18, AAF camps etc.) No. Partners Distributions Locations No Tents Replaced Total Need-Anbar Governorate Anbar -Outstanding Tent Replacement Need 1 MODM AAF, HTC, Khalidiya; Beiz Biz,Kilo 18 5000 23,000 18,000 2 UNHCR Beiz Biz 500   17,500 3 NRC AAF, HTC, Khalidiya; Beiz Biz 318 17,182 4 CRS AAF (60 T-shelter Al-Tahadi Camp; 100 T-shelter in Al-Bashaer Camp; 70 T-Shelter in Zawbaa Camp); AAF-16,AAF-22,AAF -24 460 16,722 5 Beiz Biz; AAF 394 16,328 6 AAF 111 16,217 7 HTC 140 16,077 8 Al Kahlidiya 3 89 15,988 9 Kilo 18 151 15,837 10 24 15,813 11 HTC &AK 152 15,661 Total 7,339

Cluster Key Issues /Over crowded tents and IDPs living in Kitchens in Anbar IDP camps in Anbar-overcrowded shelters 13 June 2017 updated by: Layth Al-Azzawi, UNHCR # GoverNorat District Camp Area Site_name (new) Alternative Name Type Status total Fam overcrowded shelters shelter type 1 Anbar Al-Khaledyia HTC 8 govermental buildings Collective Centre Open 67 -2 building 2 Abu Anas (HTC) camp 140 -65 tents 3 HTC fallujah 3 closed 101 -1 4 HTC fallujah 7 266 -16 5 Ramadi Wafaa Wafaa camp Kilo 60 camp 125 -50 6 Amriyat Al-Fallujah AAF Amriyat Al-Fallujah Camp 6 OM- AL Qura Camp 130 -30 7 Amriyat Al-Fallujah Camp11 structure caravans camp 645 -197 caravans 8 Amriyat Al-Fallujah Camp 19(RHU) Al-Matin(RHU) 165 -9 RHU 9 Amriyat Al-Fallujah Camp 32 Al-Shuhada 100 -28 10 Bzebiez BzBz Bzebiez central camp (Al-Markazi) 730   2469 -448

REACH : key findings of the Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (round 4) MCNA (round 4) – Shelter and NFI key findings Please refer to the related PowerPoint presentation.

Governorate Updates Baghdad Basrah Kirkuk

Next meeting will be Wednesday 12th July, 11:00 am at RCC4 AOB Next meeting will be Wednesday 12th July, 11:00 am at RCC4