Considering “Stretch or Reach Schools? “
CONSIDERING AN IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL And other important information even if an Ivy League School is not the right for you. DARTMOUTH
Facing Challenges Everyone faces challenges in his or her life. Sometimes, you will face more challenges in one day than you will in one week, a month, or even in a year. Take a few minutes to brainstorm with the class challenges high school students will face. Write them on the board so everyone can see. What does this have to do with considering an Ivy League School or my post-high school plan? Well, let’s find out….
Overcoming Challenges Overcoming challenges and staying on track in high school will increase your post-high school opportunities because: Employers, schools, and scholarship committees look at your track record. (What does your transcript, attendance, and discipline record say about you?) You will have demonstrated grit and perseverance; skills that potential employers, college admission counselors, and scholarship committee members look for. It is important to be a well-rounded individual; don’t rely solely on your intelligence.
Why apply to an Ivy League College? Having a “reach” or “stretch” school to aim for is important. Watch the video on the next slide to see which schools are considered Ivy League and what they are best known for.
An Introduction to Ivy League Schools
How was the Ivy League founded? Video Length 4:12
This Year’s Ivy League Acceptance Rates: Brown University — 28,742 applicants (2,760 accepted) Columbia University — 31,818 applicants (2,363 accepted) Cornell University — 37,812 applicants (6,123 accepted) Dartmouth College — 23,110 applicants (2,180 accepted) Harvard University — 34,285 applicants (2,032 accepted) University of Pennsylvania — 31,216 applicants (3,846 accepted) Princeton University — 26,664 applicants (2.095 accepted) Yale University — 28,974 applicants (1,975 accepted)
What can you do now? High Grades including Rigorous Courses (Honors / AP) Transcripts matter! Excellent SAT / ACT Scores (Take PSAT Seriously) Club Memberships (Knitting, Wrestling, Soccer, Robotics) Volunteer Work Leadership Qualities and Activities Write a Great Essay (Ask English Teachers and Counselors for help) References (People that know you well) Ivy League Alumni References/Connections
There are more than just the 8 Ivy League Schools…
Prestige isn't the most important part of the college experience. What can I do now? Video 2:17 Prestige isn't the most important part of the college experience.