Where Does Your Time Go? a workshop on time management & procrastination elizabeth baker february 7 th, 2008
What is Time Management? Finding enough time in your day to fit in what you have to do Balancing school, home & work Completing tasks well – not doing just enough to get by
How Do We Get Behind? We procrastinate We don’t make to-do lists We don’t prioritize our time We don’t make time for ourselves Not enough time to do it Falling behind at school and at home Too much to do
How Can We Get Ahead? Realize what causes you to “lose” time Eliminate daily distractions Start making to-do lists and check off what you complete Use a planner or calendar to keep track of tasks and assignments PRIORITIZE!
What is “Lost” Time? “Lost” time is a term for time passed – or minutes that you could have used to your advantage What did you do instead? How could you have used those minutes differently? Are you someone who should schedule almost every minute of the day?
What are Some Distractions? Home: dinner to fix, kids to bathe, homework to do Work: full-time or part- time, the job still needs to get done Friends: call when you’re doing homework, say “I never see you anymore!” What about school??? YOU’RE IN SCHOOL Distraction #1 Home Distraction #2 Work Distraction #3 Friends
Things to Do? Make a List Math homework for Friday Study for English test tomorrow Pay car insurance by October 1st Pick up kids from daycare at 3pm Grocery store!!! No milk or cereal! Making a list like this one can help you see what your day or week looks like. You can be in the right mindset for Monday morning if you’ve got a list of all the things you need to complete by the day’s end.
Do You Have a Calendar or Planner? MonTuesWedThursFriSatSun
What Are Your Priorities? Try using the checklist in the slide above – put the tasks in order of highest priority Does your to-do list take into account the things that are priorities in YOUR life? A prioritized list won’t work unless it is tailored for you
You Can Do It! Remember: We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Use them wisely and you might find you have a few leftover!
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