Estimating the Market Size of bean types in Malawi National Statistics BEAN VARIETIES DESCRIPTION SUG131 CAL143 UBR92(25) Nasaka Grain type Domestic market (%) 70 30 20 Export market (%) 10 Market size (%) 100 50 Market volume (tons) 500,000 250,000 100,000 50,000 Average Yield (ton/ha) 2.25 2.5 2 Target production area (ha) 220,000 20,000 Target Zones North Central Lakeshore South Average farm size (ha) 0.425 0.5 0.2 No. of Beneficiaries (Hh) 200,000
A Market-led Bean Breeding Strategy for Africa - 2000 Uganda Kenya Rwanda DR Congo S. Africa Malawi Zambia Madagascar Ethiopia S. Tanzania Tanzania Zimbabwe Dark Red Kidney Climbing Beans Snap Beans (French) Large White Small White Carioca (small striped) Sugar, Tan & Yellow Pinto Small Red Uganda, Malawi Large Red Mottled Regional Networks/CIAT Strategic Research Backstopping, Technical Support and Capacity Building CIAT LAC PABRA countries without active Breeding Programs: ECABREN: Burundi and Sudan, SABRN: Angola, SDRC, Lesotho, Mauritius, and Swaziland; WECABREN: Cameroon, Mali, Central Afr Rep, Ghana, Senegal, Togo, Burkina Faso, Guinea, S/Leone, Congo receive bean germplasm Universities/ARI Shared breeding responsibilities under PABRA: CIAT Headquarter breeding program in Colombia Regional breeding programs of ECABREN and SABRN National bean programs responsible for different types of beans Various universities and advanced research institutes (ARIs). Demand-led Breeding Training Modules – coming soon