Leadership Snapshot “It’s about self-improvement and about being better than you were the day before.” -Steve Young Retire NFL Quarterback
Overview 360º Leadership Results Gregorc Assessment Results Goals & Objectives for Leadership Growth Supporting the Administrative Team
360º Leadership Survey Results
Reflection When looking at the Leadership survey I noticed that in most categories that I was a little harder on myself than my principal and assistant principal. Self Regulation and Self-Awareness were across the board an area in which I can improve in. Strengths of mine according to the survey were both Motivation and Interpersonal Relationships. Although I my scores were good in the other areas I believe that there is always room for improvement.
Gregorc Assessment Results Strongest area Concrete Sequential. Abstract Random and Concrete Random were fairly balanced. Abstract Sequential was the lowest.
Reflection When looking at the results of the Gregorc Survey I found it very interesting. My dominate characteristic was concrete Sequential and in reading the Frames of Reference I found many that were very true. For example, ordering ability was described as step-by-step. Under Fears, Unknowns, chaos, uncertainty. All these descriptive word hold a lot of truth for me. I do like order and guideline with which to work in. Unknowns and uncertainty tend to stress me and as a result can change my mood negatively. This is weakness that I need to address.
Leadership Growth and development. Areas of Focus for Leadership growth and development. Goal: Able to suspend judgment and think before acting. Objective: Being mindful of the Ladder of Inference. Getting all the fact of issue Talking with my administration/others to work through tissue. Explain my reasoning and thoughts. Ask questions to clarify Summarize so I have a clear understanding of the situation. This should equal less snap judgment
Ladder of Inference (The Fifth Discipline Senge Pg. 242) In the past I have climbed the Negative Ladder of Inference. Adding meaning and assumptions that don’t exist. This causes me to make snap judgments and act before I really have thought it through. This can lead me to making a hasty decision, which other may perceive as being a control freak, stubborn or opinionated. (Gregorc Characteristics)
Support for Personal Leadership Growth and Development. Mentorship Work closely with Mentoring Principal. Include assistant principal as another Mentor to learn from. (Adaptive Leadership Heifetz pg182-185) On the Balcony Take a moment a stand “on the Balcony” Understanding the situation as a larger system. How does myself as a system fit into this larger system? (The Fifth Discipline Senge Pg. 245) Questioning and understanding. What data is behind that Statement? Can you run me through your reasoning? How did we get to that assumption? When you said “(inference)” did you mean “my interpretation of it)”?
How I can best support school administration. Since my thinking process is often detailed, practical and methodical I believe that a strength of mine is being able to take an idea and with some guidelines be completed the task in an efficient and timely manner. A strength of mine is that I am team oriented and think collaboration is the key to any situation. But I need to be careful and not climb up the negative “Ladder of Inference.” This could be detrimental in the collaborative process. My Principal is a “Big Idea” type of guy. He will often rely on those who can carry out his idea with determination and drive. I can be that person that he needs to “get the ball rolling. I enjoy getting things done but I also enjoy working with others. The combination allows me to be effective and communicative at the same time which allows me to a great asset for our administrative team.