BOXING SOUTH AFRICA ANNUAL REPORT 2006/07 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation 23 October 2007
BOXING SOUTH AFRICA (BSA) Establishment of Boxing South Africa A Boxing Commission which is a juristic person known as Boxing SA was established in terms of the South African Boxing Act, 11 of 2001
BOXING SOUTH AFRICA (BSA) Duties of Boxing South Africa Duties and powers of BSA per section 8 of the Act: (a) Compile and publish information statistics and annual report on its activities (b) Assist in the establishment of associations or federations (c) (i) Hold meetings at least four times a year (ii) Hold meeting at its request, or requested by associations (d) Consider applications for recognition of international boxing bodies, organisations, and their champions
BOXING SOUTH AFRICA (BSA) VISION To create a world class regulatory body for boxing. MISSION To enhance the capacity of all stakeholders to improve the quality, passion, and popularity of professional boxing in South Africa and internationally
BOXING SOUTH AFRICA (BSA) Key Objectives of BSA Create an organized and regulated environment for professional boxing Design an appropriate structural arrangement for boxing Improve quality of tournaments Enhance the popularity of boxing Develop high performing boxers and ring officials for international stage Create an enabling environment for the increased welfare of licencees Provide for the seamless transition of boxers from amateur to professional ranks
BOXING SOUTH AFRICA (BSA) Funding of BSA The funds of BSA in terms of section 15 of the Act consists of: Money appropriated by Parliament Fees payable to BSA in terms of the Boxing Act Grants, donations and bequests made to BSA Income earned on the surplus money invested by BSA Money generated from sponsorships and fundraising
OPERATIONAL RESULTS 2006/07 Successful Annual Boxing Awards and Convention, Jan 2007 Increased Tournaments total = 88 (82), International = 21 (18) Increase in the number of licencees = 1046 (857) Spectacular Boxing events (Ali, Fana, Klassen, etc.) Babychamps project’s successful second year Theta training agreement signed for R 3m, agent appointed and training started Increased participation in international events by boxers and ring officials. Professional female boxing launched in Durban. SANABO agreement finalised Operations momentum maintained in spite of funding and management problems
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT + ADMIN Unqualified Audit Report issued by the Auditor General Audit queries of 2005/06 addressed and controls implemented Chart of Accounts Restructured Timely completion of Annual Financial Statements for Audit Policies Implemented as per AG recommendation
INCOME AND EXPENDITURE SRSA Grant 1800 000 BSA generated income 2237 000 Sponsors 898 000 TOTAL REVENUE 4935 000 Employment cost 1615 000 Operating+Admin cost 3283 000 Projects (Babychamps, Training, Awards) 2435 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 7333 000 (DEFICIT) (2398 000)
FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT Creditors on 31 March 2006 = R 2338 691 Applied for MTEF funding from Treasury through SRSA = R 2 million SRSA accelerated their funding to BSA Lotto funding application pending R 1,5 million Sponsorship revenue needs to be increased Agents appointed to secure sponsorships, positive response, agreements negotiated
STAFF MATTERS CEO assumed duties 1 June 2007 Staff structure approved, positions advertised and staff appointed Job descriptions finalised for all positions Performance appraisals done for staff Labour relations matter finalised (Mlabateki) Final stage of disciplinary hearing scheduled for 14 November 2007 (Naidoo)
BOXING SOUTH AFRICA Thank you for your time