Rest By. Alex Loewen
NEWSTART Nutrition Exercise Water Sunlight Temperance Air Rest Trust in God A lot of you have heard about the acronym NEWSTART. Today I will be talking about rest.
Body’s Restoration After exercise our body needs rest. When a person exercises or goes throughout daily activities the natural result will be fatigue. The cells in the body can not keep up their work indefinitely without rest. When one exercises, energy is used faster than it is restored; tissues are broken down faster than they are rebuilt; and poisons are formed faster than they can be eliminated. The body then needs rest to restore its cells, tissues, and organs to renewed vigor. During sleep the body is repaired.
Ellen White’s Beliefs “They who sleep give nature time to build up and repair the weary waste of the organism.” Medical Ministry, p. 80. “Sleep, nature’s sweet restorer, invigorates the weary body, and prepares it for the next days duties.” 1 Testimonies, p. 395. During sleep the entire system is slowed down and the body building cells carry on their recuperative work. "They who sleep give nature time to build up and repair the weary waste of the organism." Medical Ministry, p. 80. "Sleep, nature's sweet restorer, invigorates the weary body, and prepares it for the next days duties." 1 Testimonies, p. 395. Thus we understand that rest or sleep is essential for the system to be able to continue in its functions and also to build up the body.
Guideline #1 Have regular hours for sleep. By sleeping at regular hours every night, the health, spirits, memory and the disposition are improved. Irregular hours of sleeping cause the brain forces to be sapped. There are several guidelines on how one should sleep to receive the greatest benefit. 1) Have regular hours for sleep. By sleeping at regular hours every night, the health, spirits, memory and the disposition are improved. Irregular hours of sleeping cause the brain forces to be sapped.
Guideline #2 Have an abundant supply of fresh air during sleep. Sore throats, lung diseases and liver disorders occur when there is not a continuous supply of fresh air during sleep. Also, one awakens feeling exhausted and feverish from the lack of oxygen. But, when there is a supply of fresh air while sleeping, a sound, sweet sleep is induced. 2) Have an abundant supply of fresh air during sleep. Sore throats, lung diseases and liver disorders occur when there is not a continuous supply of fresh air during sleep. Also, one awakens feeling exhausted and feverish from the lack of oxygen. But, when there is a supply of fresh air while sleeping, a sound, sweet sleep is induced.
Guideline #3 The stomach should have its work all done that it may rest as well as the other organs while sleeping. When the stomach is not empty before sleep the digestive process continues during the sleeping hours and this results in unpleasant dreams. Since the stomach has worked while you were sleeping you awake unrefreshed in the morning and with little desire for a hearty breakfast. 3) The stomach should have its work all done that it may rest as well as the other organs while sleeping. When the stomach is not empty before sleep the digestive process continues during the sleeping hours and this results in unpleasant dreams. Since the stomach has worked while you were sleeping you awake unrefreshed in the morning and with little desire for a hearty breakfast.
Guideline #4 Early to bed and early to rise. The greatest amount of restoration is done to the body during deep sleep. Studies show that, due to the "circadian rhythm", which is regulated by the sun's rays, the deepest sleep occurs between 9 p.m. and 12 a.m. 4) Early to bed and early to rise. The greatest amount of restoration is done to the body during deep sleep. Studies show that, due to the "circadian rhythm", which is regulated by the sun's rays, the deepest sleep occurs between 9 p.m. and 12 a.m.
Conclusion May "every person have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge." Ministry of Healing, p. 127. The combination of each part of God's Plan is necessary for the restoration of health to the body. May "every person have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential both to understand the principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that will enable one rightly to use this knowledge." Ministry of Healing, p. 127. I hope that this presentation has given you new insight in how to better treat your body.
References White, E. (1898, December 1). EGW - Message of the Month: "I Will Give You Rest". EGW - Message of the Month: "I Will Give You Rest". Retrieved April 9, 2014, from asp Nedley, N. (2000, January 1). NEWSTART - Rest. NEWSTART - Rest. Retrieved April 9, 2014, from positive/rest.html