Compare and contrast essay due Next Thursday


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Presentation transcript:

Compare and contrast essay due Next Thursday Writing Workshop Day #1 Compare and contrast essay due Next Thursday

Structure of New AP Exam Section 1: 1.75 Hours Part A: Multiple-Choice (55 questions in 55 minutes) 40% Part B: Short-Answer (4 questions in 50 minutes) 20% Section 2: 1.5 Hours Part A: Document-Based Question (55 minutes including 15 minute reading period) 25% Part B: Long Essay Question ( 1 question chosen from pair) 35 minutes 15% Based on one of four AP Historical Thinking Skills (Comparison, Causation, Periodization, & Change/Continuity)

KEY ELEMENT 1: THESIS Paired Discussion: What is the purpose of a thesis statement? What is the most common mistake made when creating a thesis statement?

What should a thesis be? A specific argument that answers the question. Nothing more, nothing less. It should be one or two sentences at the end of the introductory paragraph.

How to write a thesis statement? Make sure to include the following in your introductory paragraph in one or two sentences: Date Range Region(s) Theme Historical Thinking Skill: Compare & Contrast

AP Writing Rubric: “Has acceptable thesis…” Acceptable is a SUBJECTIVE term! What is NOT acceptable? A restatement of the prompt into a statement rather than a question. A split thesis. Example: The prompt asks you to compare and contrast. You write a two-paragraph essay where the first paragraph is about comparison and the second is about contrast. If you were to take the first sentence from each paragraph and put them together, you might have a decent thesis. The readers are not allowed to do that. The thesis has to be a stand alone paragraph.

EXAMPLE QUESTION AND THESIS Sample Question: Compare and contrast the Han Empire during 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E. with the Spanish empire of the sixteenth century. The specific argument here would include at least one comparison and one contrast and reference to both the empires, and the time frames. Some students may write: “There were many similarities and differences between the Han Empire during 206 B.C.E an-22 B.C.E. and the Spanish empire of the sixteenth century.” Unfortunately, this is not good enough for the AP World exam. It is too general and more or less repeats the prompt. But, with a simple addition and a bit of tweaking, you can make this thesis work: “There were many similarities and differences between the Han Empire during 206 B.C.E.- 220 B.C.E. and the Spanish empire of the sixteenth century. One was land-based and the other sea-based yet they both grew rich from conquest of territory outside their boundaries.”

Some Interesting AP Tips Grammar does not count It may help, but it doesn’t count! All you have to do is make your argument. The thesis may be two or more continuous sentences. A short thesis is better than a long one. A thesis that is too long will cost points on the exam.

Now it’s your turn! Your Topic: Analyze the similarities and differences in techniques of imperial administration in two empires in the Classical period. Han China (206 BCE to 220 CE) Maurya or Gupta India (320 BCE to 550 CE) Imperial Rome (31 BCE- 476CE)

Peer Review After completing your thesis statement, pass your thesis over to a partner to review Peer Editors: Check for the following and underline - Date Range Region(s) Theme Historical Thinking Skill: Compare & Contrast. Please note: Thesis statements must include one specific example of a similarity and one example of a difference.

KEY ELEMENT 2: BODY PARAGRAPH(s)  Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that will state either a similarity or a difference previewed in your thesis statement. Then, you must provide evidence to support your topic sentence. Preferably, the evidence in your body paragraph will directly compare/contrast the two societies. Follow evidence with analysis when appropriate. This is similar to … because … This differs from … because … A positive/negative impact is … This is significant because …

Always remember the Rule of 3! While not included in the prompt or instructions: Always provide at least 3 Examples Always provide at least 3 Pieces of Evidence for each example

Sample Topic: Compare and contrast reactions to western European commercial and cultural contacts in two of the following empires between 1500 and 1800. JAPAN CHINA RUSSIA Body Paragraph Example: Is that is a similarity or difference paragraph? (topic sentence) The quantity and variety of the Chinese products allowed China to enjoy more benefits from its contacts with the West in contrast to Russia’s limited contacts.   (evidence) The Chinese economy flourished from its interactions with Western Europe because of high demand for such highly valuable products as silk, porcelain, tea, and lacquered furniture. On the other hand, only a few products from Russia were in high demand in the West. Furs from Siberia was one of them, and, though Russian exports to Western Europe expanded toward the end of the 18th century, they were still mostly raw materials, such as timber and iron. Where is “Rule of 3”?   (analysis) Advantageous position of the Chinese in comparison to Russia’s standing with the West can be attributed to the fact that the majority of Chinese products were finished goods that did not encounter serious competition from other regions in the world. Increases in contact and volume of trade between Russia and the West as well as China and the West, especially in the 18th century, were partially due to a more interconnected world economic system, incorporating goods, services, precious metals, and societies of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

KEY ELEMENT 3: CONCLUSION Summarize key points (similarities/differences) Connection to today or discussion of topic’s legacy COMPARE AND CONTRAST TRANSITIONAL WORDS AND PHRASES Compare Contrast Contrast continued in the same way by the same token similarly likewise in similar fashion yet nevertheless but however though on the contrary in contrast on the other hand/ at the same time otherwise

Now let’s look at our Compare & Contrast Essay – UBOW Strategy U: Understand the Question B: Brainstorm everything that you know about the topic O: Organize your ideas W: Write the essay

STEP 1: Understand the Question TOPIC: Analyze the similarities and differences in techniques of imperial administration in two empires in the Classical period. HAN China (206BCE to 220CE) Maurya or Gupta India (320BCE to 550CE) Imperial Rome (31BCE-476CE) Note: You must understand what you need to address in your thesis. Circle or underline key words or phrases in the question. The phrase that you should underline in this case is: techniques of imperial administration. Do not forget that your essay (your thesis) must include comparisons as well as contrasts.

STEP 2: Brainstorm everything that you know about the topic

STEP 3: Organize Your Ideas   Society 1: Society 2: Techniques of Imperial Administration SIMILARITIES: DIFFERENCES:

Are there any final questions? Concerns? STEP 4: Write the essay Are there any final questions? Concerns?

AP Compare & Contrast Rubric Scoring Guidelines Possible Points Thesis: Presents a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and responds to all parts of the question. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either in the introduction or the conclusion. 1 Argument Development: Using the targeted skill of compare & contrast – Describes the similarities and differences of two classical period empires. Rule of 3! 2 Argument Development: Using Evidence – Addresses the topic of the question with specific examples of relevant evidence. Utilizes specific examples of evidence to fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument. Rule of 3! Synthesis: Extends the argument by explaining the connections between the argument and one of the following: A development in a different historical period, situation, era or geographical area A course theme and/or approach to history that is no the focus of the essay (such as political, econ, social, cultural or intellectual) Total 6