Welcome to 3rd Grade Meet the Staff Night!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to 3rd Grade Meet the Staff Night! October 26, 2017

Changes for our Holliswood Community… In 2017-2018 you may notice some changes within our school building. Responsive Classroom New reading and writing workshop models and curriculum Different models to enhance student collaboration/ownership CEP (Comprehensive Educational Plan) Goals Rigorous Instruction – Supportive Environment – Family and Community Ties – Collaborative Teaching Visit our school’s website by clicking here… www.holliswood178.org

Click here to get more information regarding the standards! ELA & Math Standards: 3rd Grade Reading / Writing / Language Standards Click here to get more information regarding the standards! 3rd Grade Math Standards

Think Central - for Go Math Each student will be provided with a username and a password. Students can log on to play interactive games, preview a lesson, print homework, watch tutorials, etc. Please use students pretests to study for post tests.. They are very similar!! ThinkCentral.com outlines all of the chapters, standards and lessons… Click here to check it out!

Accountable Talk in Mathematics…

Look out for… Place Value, Multiplication and Division Facts, Benchmark Fractions: These are MAJOR standards students will be working to master early on in third grade! Your Child’s Independent Reading Level! Children should TRY to read on their grade level every day throughout the school year. Reading levels are tested four times per year and additionally if needed.

Reading Level Benchmarks…

Progressions Throughout Writing…

Sample Discussion Prompts for Sample Discussion Prompts for Fiction: Discussion Prompts: It is beneficial to hold conversations with your children about his/her books! Sample Discussion Prompts for Non-Fiction: Did you admire or detest this person? Why? (Biography or Autobiography) What life lesson can be learned from this event or story? (General Nonfiction) Did the book read like a story, a newspaper article, a report, something else? Give examples. (General Nonfiction) What one new fact did you learn from reading this book? (General Nonfiction) What was the motivation for the writing of this book? (General but great for Bio or Auto Bio) Did you feel this book truly belonged in the nonfiction genre? (Memoir) Was the point of the book to share an opinion, explain a topic, tell about a personal journey, or something else? Did the author do it well? (General Nonfiction) What part of this book inspired you in some way? Explain. (Motivational, Self Help) Will you read other books by this author? Why or why not? (General Nonfiction) Did this book change your life in a positive or negative way? Explain (General Nonfiction) Sample Discussion Prompts for Fiction: Which character do you like the most and why? The least and why? What passage from the book stood out to you? Are there situations and/or characters you can identify with, if so how? Did you learn something you didn’t know before? Do you feel as if your views on a subject have changed by reading this text? Have you had a life changing revelation from reading this text? What major emotion did the story evoke in you as a reader? At what point in the book did you decide if you liked it or not? What helped make this decision? Name your favorite thing overall about the book. Your least favorite? If you could change something about the book what would it be and why? Describe what you liked or disliked about the writers style?

Science Topics: Getting Ready for Science What is Matter What is Energy? Heat, Light and Sound Forces and Motion Work and Machines Students will have science lab and will be expected to complete a science project for the first year! Guidelines usually go home within the first few months of school. This is a part of their science lab grade on the report card! Classroom teachers are not coordinators of this project!

Social Studies Topics: Changes Over Time Nigeria China Egypt Peru Map Skills ** Classroom teachers and cluster teachers collaborate to build on the current units of study**

Homework… Will be posted on the school website. Is given most night. Provides support and review from previous and future lessons. Is reviewed and checked daily. Should be checked at home upon completion. Is logged if missing.

Questions/Comments/Feedback? Is there anything else I have not mentioned that you would like to know more about? Feedback from 2nd grade?

Additional Topics… Absences/Lateness Utilize school website as much as possible! Homework slips/contracts Class Parents Brithday/Holiday celebrations Word Work