Addition of Signed Numbers
Adding Integers with the Same Sign: To add integers with the same sign, keep their common sign and add their absolute values. Review: Absolute value is the distance from zero to the number on the number line.
Review of Absolute Value:
Examples 4 + 6 = 10 (both numbers are positive so keep the positive sign and add the absolute values) -7 + -5 = -12 (both numbers are negative so keep the negative sign and add the absolute values)
Examples -9 + -15 = 6 + 39 = -7 + -65 =
Adding Integers with Different Signs: To add integers with different signs, keep the sign of the larger absolute value number and subtract the absolute values. -5 + 7 = 2 (notice that the absolute value of 7 is greater than the absolute value of 5, so the answer will be positive)
Examples 2 + (-3) = 74 + (-65) = -8 + 4 = -45 + 50 =
Examples -4 + (-5) = 9 + (-12) = 16 + 14 = -56 + (-45) =