Library Instruction Students Love: Classroom Response Systems (CRS) Judy Bastin Ronda Holt L.W. Nixon Library CULS Conference 10-6-06
Why Use a CRS? Interactivity Immediate feedback Assessment Fun
Who Makes CRS? H-ITT Classroom Response System eInstruction eInstruction Turningpoint Interwrite PRS Reply
Qwizdom Cyteck Media Systems, Inc. Qwizdom Interactive Devices Q4-16 remotes plus Teacher Remote Total = $1,695 2,400 900 ft., 500 remotes, radio frequency Q5 rechargeable batteries, type text
When do you use CRS? One shot library instruction w/o assignment Training student workers Library meetings Student Connect courses Anytime you need to spice up your instruction
What is a CRS? Hardware Software Response keypads – Screen on keypad lets student know if they are right or wrong Receiver unit Software PowerPoint like screens Information Multiple Choice True/False Numeric Problems Yes/No Rating Scales Games
Pro/Con Pro Con Immediate feedback Documentation of assessment Technical difficulties Batteries Doesn’t assess higher level thinking
References Instructional Technology That's Hip High-Tech. By: Roberts, Gary. Computers in Libraries, Nov/Dec2005, Vol. 25 Issue 10, p26-28, 3p. How Gaming Could Improve Information Literacy. By: Doshi, Ameet. Computers in Libraries, May2006, Vol. 26 Issue 5, p14-17, 4p, 1c.
Questions Judy Bastin Phone: 316-323-6843 Email: Ronda Holt Phone: 316-323-6810 Email: