Working as a Member of the Global Membership Team Second Vice District Governor Training
The Global Membership Team Launched in July 2008 Actively supports membership growth efforts in each constitutional area Addresses local needs through specific membership-related programs/solutions
GMT and the Second Vice District Governor District GMT (GMT– D) District Governor First Vice District Governor (liaison) Second Vice District Governor GMT District Coordinator Region/Zone Chairpersons GMT Membership and New Club Growth Team GMT Club Success Team
Session Objectives Identify the purpose and structure of the GMT At the end of the session, participants will be able to: Identify the purpose and structure of the GMT Describe the purpose and structure of the GMT at the district level Support GMT activities and initiatives
Global Membership Team Focus on membership growth 2 objectives: To develop new members and new clubs To support club success to realize long-term retention
The Global Membership Team GMT Constitutional Area Leader: Strategize and steer membership actions in constitutional area GMT Area Leader: Motivate and monitor membership initiatives/results across several MDs GMT – MD: Organize and facilitate membership action planning at MD level GMT – D: Deliver and drive membership results; ensure club success
GMT Responsibilities Understand membership data/trends Promote communication, planning and collaboration Identify and promote service opportunities Identify areas for new club development; promote new club charters Assist in the development and implementation of area membership goals/strategic plans
GMT Responsibilities Encourage districts to form at least one new club annually Assist clubs with member satisfaction and recruitment Share successful membership strategies Promote LCI initiatives and membership resources
GMT-D District Governor First Vice District Governor Second Vice District Governor GMT District Coordinator Region/Zone Chairpersons GMT Membership and New Club Growth Team GMT Club Success Team
Region/Zone Chairpersons Promote membership resources and CEP to clubs Ensure club membership chairpersons know their responsibilities Identify communities for new clubs Emphasize engagement of members in new/existing service projects Communicate membership development needs and strategies to other members of GMT-D
Session Objectives Identify the purpose and structure of the GMT At the end of the session, participants will be able to: Identify the purpose and structure of the GMT Describe the purpose and structure of the GMT at the district level Support GMT activities and initiatives