Strategies to Help You Achieve Your Highest Possible Score! The New SATs Strategies to Help You Achieve Your Highest Possible Score!
Looking for The Perfect Score (Play clip to 1:00 min) Don’t let it stress you out!
Remember to complete your organizer as we watch the video! Changes to the SAT The New SAT Remember to complete your organizer as we watch the video!
Multiple Choice Questions How to manage time Pace yourself – take it slow and read each question and possible answers When you don’t know the right answer Use the process of elimination - Look for the wrong answers and eliminate them When you don’t get to an answer Use the Letter of the Day (LOTD) strategy, only when you run out of time How to own it Figure out your “Personal Order of Difficulty” then work the test in way that best fits your strengths
Reading Test Reading Test: What to Expect Remember to complete your organizer as we watch the video!
Reading Test Determining “Your Personal Level of Difficulty” Look at the types of passages Look at the topics of the passages Look at the types of questions Remember if you do skip a passage to use the “Letter of the Day” strategy
Follow these steps: Reading Test Read the blurb Select and understand a question Read what you need Predict the correct answer Use Process of Elimination
Reading Test Be careful when you see the words infer, imply or suggest Vocabulary-in-Context Questions
Reading Test Practice Passage 1: Modeling/Whole Group Passage 2: Partner Activity Passage 3: Individual Homework
Writing and Language Test Writing and Language Test: What to Expect Remember to complete your organizer as we watch the video!
Writing and Language Test Follow these steps: Check what is changing in the answer choices Figure out what the question is testing Use process of elimination If you haven’t eliminated three answers, pick the one that is most consistent with the rest of the sentence
Writing and Language Test Punctuation Period, semicolon, comma, question mark, exclamation mark, long dash, colon Remember STOP, HALF-STOP and GO punctuation STOP punctuation can link only complete ideas HALF-STOP punctuation must be preceded by a complete idea GO punctuation can link anything except two complete ideas
Writing and Language Test For changing STOP punctuation in the answer choices, use the Vertical Line Test Four reasons to use a comma STOP punctuation, GO punctuation, after every item in a list, to set off unnecessary information On the SAT there are only two reasons to use an apostrophe possessive nouns and contractions
Writing and Language Test Words (nouns, pronouns and verbs) Check what is changing in the answer choices Use process of elimination Consistency Precision Concision Verb/Noun Consistency
Writing and Language Practice Passage 1: Modeling/Whole Group Passage 2: Partner Activity Passage 3: Individual Homework
Essay Test Essay Test: What to Expect Remember to complete your organizer as we watch the video!
Test Day Preparations Take practice tests Build confidence Time your practice tests Don’t stay up late the night before the tests Eat a good breakfast Arrive early Bring acceptable identification Bring # 2 pencils and a calculator Make sure that your desk is suitable Make sure test booklet and answer sheet are not flawed Be sure to darken in all responses and erase any stray marks
Don't make excuses...make improvements Remember… Don't make excuses...make improvements