Rusty Bell –Rusty design The bell is as old as the bicycle and designed to scare off cow’s and poor people from the road. It’s a one purpose communication. The reality in traffic is a complex mix of all sort’s of bicyclist's and more specific communication between them is necessary. Our concept is a simple electronic ‘bell’ that double's expression with two sound’s, a polite notice and a warning sound . This will change bicycling culture to the better.
Background: Everybody has a bell on their bike... or at least everybody SHOULD have a bell on their bike. In reality many people doesn’t have the mandatory communication device installed on their bike. - but why is that? The bell as we know it today is as old as the invention of the bike itself. With the huge change of traffic patterns and society in general new ways of communicating are truly needed. Instead of scaring cows to get of the cycle path the modern cyclist need to get multiple messages through, which can be some challenge in the anarchy of a busy cycle path - the polite notification of yourself and the signal of danger being the most important.
Aggressiv behavior Is it rude to use the bell? Is it only aggressive people that uses the bell to make other bikers aware of their existence? The aggressiveness of the biking culture is a huge subject of the recent debate, but is it really as bad as depicted in the news? We think that much of this is aggressiveness is a matter of misunderstandings in traffic. We have very limited ways of communicating on a bike and if the ring of the bell is perceived as aggressive and rude, you don’t really have any other alternatives.
The Solution The MMB (Multiple Message Bell) will enhance the very limited communication on the cycle paths. By introducing the bell with two different sound communication 2 different messages, many misunderstandings will be avoided. The sounds for each message should be standardized and a common language should be developed. This will get the right message through to the receiver and no misunderstood aggressiveness will be perceived.