Which lure would you ‘bite’ Which lure would you ‘bite’? Choose the two introductions that “hooked” your interest. Peter stood nonchalantly on the dusty brown bag of second base. It was the bottom of the ninth inning, two outs, the score tied at 8-8. I am writing an essay on my favorite music. My music comes from Latin America. It is called salsa. It has a really nice beat to it. They also play with lots of different kinds of instruments. They really sing nice too. Many pet owners worry about that difficult day when they must say goodbye for the last time. A new method of preservation could make that day a whole lot easier. Have you ever wondered what goes on in the sixth grade? Have you ever feared what goes on in the sixth grade? Well, let me tell you, it sure isn’t what you would call ordinary. Scary? Maybe. Weird? Now that’s a given! We could feel her coming before we heard her. She stood six feet tall and ate whole apples, core and stem included. Her voice was a weapon capable of paralyzing anything that moved. It was a Friday afternoon. We had just arrived in gym class. After getting changed out, the gym teacher boomed in his usual voice that it was a free day. The boys and the girls split up, and the boys chose Capture the Countries.
Which has more “Hookability?” More kids aged 5 to 14 go to hospital emergency rooms with injuries related to biking than with any other sport. The city government should build more bike paths for cyclists to use. Over half a million people go to emergency rooms with bike-related injuries each year. Why ride a bike? It’s good for your health, and unlike riding in a car, biking doesn’t pollute or use up natural resources. More people should ride bikes. The government of this city should build more bike paths for people to ride on. Two weeks ago, I was almost injured while biking. When the park bike path ended, I had to ride in the street. Suddenly, a man in a car opened his door without looking behind him. I swerved to avoid it and was almost hit by another car. The experience would never have happened if I could have continued on a bike path. More bike paths must be built in this city.