Addition and Subtraction Word Problems Lesson 5 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
Example 1 The Duke counted 5260 people. The Duchess counted 4720 people. How much greater was the Duke’s count? 5260 – 4720 How much greater (difference) 540 Subtract
Example 2 Four hundred seventeen birds were in trees at eight o’ clock. By nine o’ clock the number increased to nine hundred forty-two. How many birds arrived between eight and nine o’ clock? 942 – 417 How many arrived (difference) 525 Check 417 + 525 = 942
Example 3 At sunrise many ducks were on the pond. Then four hundred twenty-five ducks flew away. Six hundred forty-two ducks remained on the pond. How many ducks were on the pond at sunrise? D – 425 = 642 + 425 +425 D = 1067
Example 4 George had five dollars and forty-two cents. Then his mom gave him some money. How he has nine dollars and sixty-five cents. How much money did his mom give him? $9.65 – $5.42 Difference $4.23
Practice Page 21 a-b
Practice A Hundreds of knights came to the tournament. Then four hundred twenty knights went home. Seven hundred fifty-six knights remained. How many knights came to the tournament 756 + 420 1176 Knights
Practice B Rita had nine thousand, thirty-five items in her basement. Then she found some more items. How she had ten thousand eighty-one items. How many items did she find? 10,081 – 9,035 1,046
Homework Problem Set 5 1-30 all