Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Team Tribune Week 16 Name_________________________#________ Parents Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: Progress Report 2. Previous homework * Students self-correct 3. In the spirit of giving? Our classroom can use the following Items: Pencils, small bags of candy for rewards, various items that can be used for auctions. Together Everyone Achieves More! MVP Player of the Week Like a flower on a spring day, Brayden H. has emerged, and is developing into a strong, confident, self-determined young man. No longer is he allowing struggles and obstacles to get in his way of fulfilling his dreams. No words can express just how proud we are of you Brayden! I have reviewed my child’s progress report. ________________________________________________ Parent Signature Questions/Concerns:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Self Assessment Write (Y) yes, (A) Almost (N) for No ____1. I can edit an essay, eliminate spelling and grammar errors, use descriptive vocabulary, an elaborate on key points. ____2. I can divide 2-4 digit dividends using an area model. Museum of Natural History The museum and our friend Liz, provided a great experience, and awesome information on animal and plant adaptation.
Vocabulary ELA Parent Page to Help Prepare for Week 17 (Extension) Dear Family Member: This week we will be focusing on how one person can make a difference in the lives of others. We will also focus on citizenship and the rights and responsibilities that come with it. Here are some activities you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we’ll be practicing. Word Workout Words to Know: synonyms and antonyms In this activity, you and your child will take turns defining the list words and then finding words that have the opposite meaning. Spelling/Phonics: soft c and g You will read each word on the list, and your child will spell them as quickly as possible to see how many he or she can spell correctly in one minute. If your child misspells a word, you will stop the clock and start again. Comprehension: author’s point of view Help your child write a newspaper article from his or her own point of view about our Kwanzaa Presentation Vocabulary Spelling Words