Scenario Manager / Multimodel Navigator Ken Baumgärtel Scenario Manager / Multimodel Navigator
BIM Collaboration Scenario Manager
Motivation Bringing together different domains Architecture, Building automation control system, HVAC, FM, Simulation, Life cycle costing Bringing together different experts Architects, Energy expert, Decision-maker Manage project-specific workflows Manage project-specific requirements Manage project-specific data Synchronize data between users, validate data Allow energy simulations in multiple phases
Scenario Manager (ScM) & Multimodel Navigator (mmNav) 3. MULTIMODEL COMBINER Climate Data Schedules Construction types Cost data 2. REQUIREMENT SETTINGS To-Be Decision Values (DVs) Key Point Indicators (KPIs) Key Design Parameters (KDPs) 4. 3D/2D BIM NAVIGATOR & VIEWER Visualize BIM data 5. MULTIMODEL QUERIES Model import/export Filtering Element Selection 1. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION Team Management Design Alternatives Design Variants 6. SIMULATION RESULTS VISUALISATION Diagrams and tables KDP/KPI/DV comparison (TO-BE vs. AS-IS)
Design Validation Energy Analysis ScenarioManager BIM Server Intelligent eeBIM Energy Analysis ScenarioManager Catalogues Version A Version B Version C BIM Server
Communication between Scenario Managers Scenario manager (A) Architect Scenario manager (B) Energy Expert
Structure of BCF
Multimodel Approach Multimodel container (MMC) Link model Domain model 2 Domain model 1 Domain model 3 Multimodel container (MMC) Meta data Date, location Data repository Users Typ t Linkmodell Link model Links from n Elements to m domain models Multiple link models possible Represents specific design variant e.g. IFC - ARCH e.g. IFC - HVAC e.g. occupancy model LM2 LM1
Towards Multimodel collaboration Tool A Tool B mmNav ScM IFC based BIM collaboration platform Multimodel BIM collaboration platform
Business Process Modeling Support ScM BPMN Palette
Business Process Modeling Support
Workflow-driven Multimodel BIM collaboration BCF MMC X ScM mmNav
Design Validation Energy Analysis ScenarioManager BIM Server Intelligent eeBIM Energy Analysis ScenarioManager Catalogues Version A Version B Version C BIM Server
Multimodel Navigator
Communication between ScM & mmNav
mmNav BCF Collaboration
mmNav: BCF Interpretation
mmNav – Template Assignment OBJECT BROWSER Filter = by object type Windows Doors Exterior walls Interior walls Roof Façade Slabs OBJECT PARAMETERS Object Name: Exterial Wall Construction Type: Height: 3.00m Thickness: 0.24m Template 4 Template 1 Template 2 Template 3 Template 4 Template 5 Service bus Information Repository … … Template Rep.
mmNav – Object Browser Windows Doors Exterior walls Interior walls Filter = by object type Windows Doors Exterior walls Interior walls Rooms Room A Room B Room C Room D
Thank you for your attention Ken Baumgärtel (TUD-CIB)