Finnish fisheries through fisheries statistics 9.10.2017 Heidi Pokki, Research economist Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) Statistical services
Producer prices for fish Commercial inland fishery Foreign trade 19.7.2018 19.7.2018
Finnish fisheries in a nut shell Fisheries employs around 2,500 persons in Finland. Accounts for around 840 million euros of the Finnish GDP. Fish processing employs the most people and brings the most income. Finnish people consume a lot of fish. Unfortunately much is imported. The most important import product is Norwegian farmed salmon. Changes in salmon prices internationally affect greatly the Finnish markets. Finland exports mostly Baltic herring, 70 million kg in 2015. 19.7.2018
Employment of fisheries Total employment ~ 2,500 persons 19.7.2018
Income from fisheries Total income was 840 EUR million in 2015 Share of fishing and aquaculture of total income has been decreasing over time. Most of the income come from processing and fish trade. Total income was 840 EUR million in 2015 Most of the income come from fish processing 19.7.2018
Consumption of fish Finns consumed the equivalent of just over four kg of filleted Finnish fish per capita in 2015. Imported fish consumption amounted to approximately 10 kilograms. The most consumed domestic fish species was rainbow trout (1.3 kilograms), and the most consumed foreign fish species was farmed salmon. 19.7.2018
Commercial marine fishery The average age of fishermen is increasing and commercial fishing is getting more and more concentrated. Many of the commercial fishermen have additional job and they work on fisheries only part time. 19.7.2018
Commercial marine fishery Fishing vessels registered to Finland caught a total of 148 million kilograms of fish at sea in 2015. The catch value amounted to EUR 34 million. Baltic herring accounted for 90 per cent of the total catch and for 70 per cent of its value. 19.7.2018
Producer prices for fish The majority of Finland’s Baltic herring catch is sold to the animal feed industry. Fish prices depend on the size and quality of the fish, which in turn affect how the fish is used. The picture shows the producer prices paid for Baltic herring sold to the industrial sector and for human consumption in 2015. 19.7.2018
Recreational fishing There were just under 1.6 million recreational fishermen in Finland in 2014, when they numbered almost two million at the beginning of the millennium. Almost one third of Finns engages in recreational fishing. Recreational catch was 29 million kg in 2014. Main species caught were perch, pike and pikeperch. Ahven, hauki, kuha 19.7.2018
Aquaculture Approximately 15 million kg of fish was grown for human consumption in Finland in 2015. Value of production was 56 million euros. In addition to food fish, approximately 50 million fish fry were cultured for stocking and further rearing. Rainbow trout is the most important species. A total of 14 million kilograms of rainbow trout and 0.8 million kilograms of European whitefish were produced in 2015. 19.7.2018
Fish processing The total volume of fish processed in 2015 was 80 million kilograms. Around 60% of the raw material processed was Finnish and 40% was imported. Besides salmon, the most important species used by the processing industry were rainbow trout, Baltic herring, and European whitefish (they accounted for 97 per cent of all processed fish). 19.7.2018
Fish processing Fish processing has become more and more effective while the number of enterprises have been decreasing. It is very concentrated business. Ten biggest companies make 80% of the income of the sector. 19.7.2018
Foreign trade A total of 112 million kilograms of fish and fish products were imported to Finland in 2015. The total value of imports was EUR 374 million. Finland exports considerably less fish than it imports. Fish and fish product exports amounted to 69 million kilograms in 2015, and the value of exports was EUR 38 million. 19.7.2018
Foreign trade Just under half (33 million kilograms) of all fish and fish products imported for human consumption originated in Norway. The most important product was fresh, whole Atlantic salmon (29 million kilograms). The most important export destinations for fish and fish products in 2015 were Estonia (EUR 18 million) and Denmark (EUR 11 million). Finland exported mostly frozen Baltic herring. 19.7.2018
Data available at Statistical database and Economy Doctor 19.7.2018
Data available at Statistical database and Economy Doctor 19.7.2018
Teppo Tutkija 19.7.2018