Objectives: To understand why Russia experienced Civil War. Key terms: Reds, Whites, Civil War, Lenin, Trotsky Key Knowledge: REDS V WHITES
Recap What significant event happened during... 1905 1914 July 1917 March 1917 April 1917 October 1917
Bolshevik Rule Objective: What changes did the Bolsheviks introduce when they seized power? To understand the nature of the Bolshevik rule and the Social, Political and Economic effects it had on the Russian people. This Bolshevik poster reads: ‘Beat up the noblemen – and don’t forget the lords.’ Key terms: Sovnarkom, The November Decrees, Constituent Assembly & Treaty of Brest Litovsk Key Knowledge: Dissolving of the Constituent Assembly, Treaty of Brest Litovsk
What Happened Next? Mensheviks & Social Revolutionaries walked out of the Constitutional Assembly in disgust on hearing of the Bolsheviks takeover, leaving the Bolsheviks in control. However there were many opposing the Bolshevik takeover. Moscow was only taken over 10 days later due to the loyalists who were fiercely resisting the takeover. In 1918 Lenin changed the name of the Bolshevik party to the COMMUNIST PARTY.
Dealing with Opposition – how did it change society? Lenin closed down all opposition newspapers. In December 1917, Lenin set up the secret police called CHEKA – arrested political opponents (saboteurs). Before long any opponent of the Bolsheviks was at risk of murder, torture or imprisonment. Lenin allowed the long promised elections to take place & the Constituent Assembly to meet on 5th January 1918. After one day, when it would not accept Bolshevik control, it was dispersed by Bolshevik troops and demonstrators were met with bullets.
The results of the November 1917 election Party Seats in Constituent Assembly Social Revolutionaries 370 Bolsheviks 175 Left Socialist Revolutionaries 40 Cadets 17 Mensheviks 16 Others 89 What do these election results tell us about the political desire of the Russian people?
What can you infer from this source?
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Lost 1 mill sq km of land 50 million people 27% farming land Lost Ukraine, where Russia got most of its grain from 74% iron ore and coal deposits Had to pay 3 bill roubles Discuss potential impact of this once students have noted key points
Causes of the Civil War Opposition forces unite to form the Whites – supported by foreign countries. Increasing attacks/attempts to overthrow the Bolsheviks -SRs tried to seize power of Moscow Soviet - several assassination attempts on Lenin 50, 000 Czech prisoners of war take over the Trans Siberian Railway Anger at the Treaty (directed at Trotsky) Starvation meant growing opposition National minorities seize opportunity to get independence Students to note down causes once gone through them
Reds Vs Whites Reds = Communist (Bolsheviks) Whites = opponents (Tsarists and nobles, middle class constitutional democrats, Mensheviks, SR) Aims Stay in Power in order to build new Socialist society. Different aims due to different interests. Common aim to defeat the Communists Geographical factors Held central area of west Russian – contained large industries. Controlled railways. Scattered around outer perimeter of communist controlled Moscow. Communication difficulties. Leadership and unity Trotsky – true leader and courageous Special train Lacked good leader to bring all the Whites together. Lack of trust Infighting within the armies
War Communism Objectives: To understand the effects of the Civil War. To understand why the Bolsheviks won the war. Key terms: War communism, NEP, Death of the Tsar Key Knowledge: REDS V WHITES
War Communism War Communism was a new economic policy introduced by Lenin to ensure food supplies to the army. All large factories were taken over by the government. Production was planned and organised by the government. Discipline for workers was strict and strikers could be shot. Peasants had to hand over surplus food to the government. If they didn’t they could be shot. Food was rationed. Could only get a ration card if you were working. Free enterprise became illegal – all production and trade was controlled by the state. Money became worthless – wages ended up being paid in food.
What were the consequences of War Communism?
A young girl describes food shortages in Moscow, 1921. “ Our staple diet when things were grim were potato peelings fried. One evening we found a large, black crow, frozen solid. Tousia, my sister, plucked it, cutting off its feet and its head…we now had the most magnificent chicken.”
A Russian doctor,1921. “ Sometimes a starving family eats the body of one of its junior members…sometimes parents at night take part of a body from the cemetery and feed it to their children.”
THE RED TERROR Following an assassination attempt on Lenin in 1918, a ‘RED TERROR’ was launched, using the Cheka. Mass executions. Middle and upper class targeted- automatically seen as disloyal. 750,000 people murdered by the Cheka in the 3 years of Civil War.
Execution of the Tsar and his Family The Tsar and his family were in exile. Posed a threat to Communism especially if they fell into the hands of the Whites. On the night of 16th July 1918 the Tsar and his family along with their servants were shot in the cellar. Bodies were buried in a nearby forest but undiscovered till 1991.
The Kronstadt Mutiny – Memory exercise
Homework Complete chart based on power point and reading for Thursday, December 18
The New Economic Policy Lenin realised he needed to change his policy to avoid disaster. Peasants needed an incentive to produce more food – relax state control. Capitalism and free markets brought back in Bitter humiliation for communist supporters. The NEP stated that: The requisition of grain was ended. Peasants who grew surplus food could sell the surplus for a profit and pay 10% tax to the government on any profit made. Factories with fewer than 20 workers were returned to private ownership to be run for profit. Private enterprise was allowed. Anyone could set up a shop or business for profit. Vital industries such as coal, iron, steel, railways, shipping and finance stayed in State hands. But experts were brought in on higher salaries, and extra wages were paid for efficiency.
Successes of the NEP Once peasant and shopkeepers could work for profit, goods appeared for sale New businesses and market stalls were set up – new class of people doing well, known as ‘NEP men’ Government kept control of the largest industries. 1926-27 production had increased to pre-1914 levels Helped stabilise the country and bring peace, particularly significant in the countryside where peasants disturbances became a thing of the past
He was no longer able to play an active role in political life. The Death of Lenin In May 1922, Lenin suffered a stroke which was followed by two further strokes in December 1922 and March 1923. He was no longer able to play an active role in political life. Lenin died on 21st January 1924.
Trotsky Objectives: Key terms: Civil War & Trotsky To explain who Trotsky was and evaluate his involvement in the Russian Revolution and the Civil War. Key terms: Civil War & Trotsky Key Knowledge: Civil War & Trotsky
Source Analysis Purpose – main message Provenance (origin, nature) Inferences – use details from the source to explain what the source is implying – use own knowledge.
Trotsky Facebook Page Use the information sheets to create a facebook page for Trotsky. Include: His full Name Date he was born Family Friends/ colleagues Interests Occupation Contact information ( where he lived) Recent activity
What have you learnt about Trotsky?
Revision Objectives: Key terms: Key Knowledge: REDS V WHITES