Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017 Student Opportunities Find them. Make them work for you. Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017
What kinds of programs are there? Internships – paid or unpaid; some encourage community college applicants Externships –shorter term than an internship Job Shadowing Scholarships – some target specific groups Grants TCC Foundation Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017
Why consider an internship or scholarship? In Oklahoma, the average student debt load is $25,000 Many awards target under-represented students Benefits extend beyond the actual term of the internship Build a variety of skills valuable to employers Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017
Searching for Programs Plan your search Create a reasonable timeline Discover professional organizations in your field Can you identify with a target group? Ask professors, counselors, and peers for ideas Conduct an organized online search—record everything!! Check out the TCC Bioscience Student Opportunities page Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017
The Application Process Start early!! Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Be courteous in requesting recommendation letters Tailor your application to the requirements of the sponsor Ask someone to edit your application/cover letter/resume View this video for tips from the NIH: Applying to the NIH Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017
Attend the REACH Workshop Wednesday, October 12 1:00 to 2:00 in 8296 Bring a list of potential programs, if you have one Hear from previous interns and scholarship recipients Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017
Attend a Resume Writing Workshop Tuesday, October 24 2:00 to 3:00 pm Computer Classroom 8146 Presented by Career Services Receive tips on writing resumes and cover letters that help you succeed! Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017
Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017 Questions? Janice Airhart 918-595-2000 Inside the S&M lab at SE I’ll try to answer your questions or direct you to someone who can. Club of Medical and Natural Sciences, September 12, 2017