Adapting to Adaptive Learning ELI 2016 Presentation 7/19/2018 Adapting to Adaptive Learning Chuck Dziuban & Patsy Moskal Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness, Center for Distributed Learning University of Central Florida
About Adaptive Learning (AL) Adaptive learning systems provide each student with a personalized learning experience, adapting the presentation of the content and possibly the assessment to the individual ability of the student.
Adaptive Learning – UCF Platform Selection ELI 2016 Presentation 7/19/2018 Adaptive Learning – UCF Platform Selection UCF faculty input Content agnostic Adaptive learning and assessment Robust assessment component Important: Faculty driven; wanted a product they could build using their own content; wanted both adaptive assessment and adaptive content; Faculty felt RealizeIT provided the best of both words
Student main screen - map view
Instructor basic data – student list & metrics
UCF Adaptive Learning Evaluation
Adaptive Learning Pilot Spring 2015 Full courses in RealizeIT PSY2012 – General Psychology 1 Online section – 175 Students NUR3125 – Physiopathology 2 Blended sections – 56 Students 1 Online section – 39 Students Comparison courses for each
ELI 2016 Presentation 7/19/2018 Students’ success rates (A, B, C grade) with RealizeIT comparable to other course formats Percent n=119 39 152 56 n= 749 175 124
ELI 2016 Presentation 7/19/2018 Students’ withdrawal rates with RealizeIT comparable to other course formats Percent n=119 39 152 56 n= 749 175 124
Student Perceptions of Adaptive Learning
ELI 2016 Presentation 7/19/2018 RealizeIT helped me learn the course material better than not having RealizeIT Strongly agree Agree Neither agree/disagree Disagree Strongly disagree 33% 21% Agree or neutral 42% 42% 18% 18% 13% 2% Disagree 3% 7% NUR3125 n=62 PSY2012 n=125
ELI 2016 Presentation 7/19/2018 How much time did you spend in this class compared to a class without RealizeIT? Much less Less The same 7% More Less or the same 0% 17% Much more 15% 35% 19% 19% More 34% 16% 19% NUR3125 n=62 PSY2012 n=124
Given a choice, I would take another course using RealizeIT ELI 2016 Presentation 7/19/2018 Given a choice, I would take another course using RealizeIT Strongly agree Agree Neither agree/disagree 39% Disagree Agree or neutral 34% Strongly disagree 36% 32% 15% 12% 14% 6% Disagree 5% 2% NUR3125 n=59 PSY2012 n=124
How often did you interact with other students compared to a class not using RealizeIT? Much more 0% More More or the same 3% 2% The same 7% Less 36% Much less 17% 28% 41% Less 20% 47% NUR3125 n=59 PSY2012 n=122
How much interaction with other students do you prefer? A lot Same 3% No preference 3% A little 31% A lot to no pref. 19% None 28% 24% 23% 27% Little to none 19% 23% NUR3125 n=58 PSY2012 n=124
What method(s) for interacting with others in the course do you prefer? Percent
Student Perception of Instruction (SPI) overall ratings of excellent ELI 2016 Presentation 7/19/2018 Student Perception of Instruction (SPI) overall ratings of excellent Percent n=33 38 75 80 n=454 120 65
Students’ View of Realizeit
Students View Adaptive Learning 3 Components (n=244) Effectiveness Course Noise So you want me to adapt? Realizeit Guidance Average r = .16
Two Component Score Clusters Based on Realizeit Helped Me Learn ES=1.1 p=.01 ES=.3 p=.07 ES=.3
From Dublin
Many Systems Operating
What Underlies Realizeit Four Factors (n=290) Knowledge Acquired Knowledge Benchmarks Knowledge Growth Realizing it Augmented Engagement Average Absolute r = .15
Logistic Regression for Predicting Success in Psychology from the Component Scores Forward Conditional Knowledge Acquired Knowledge Benchmarks Augmented Engagement Nagelkerke R2 = .56 Overall Prediction Accuracy = 95.2% Full Model R2 = .56 Overall Prediction Accuracy = 97.3%
What is Under the Hood?
Module Structure
Nodes Completed in General Psychology (n=243) ELI 2016 Presentation 7/19/2018 Nodes Completed in General Psychology (n=243) Top 20 Overall Bottom 20 Colm Howlin, Realizeit
Nodes Completed in Nursing (n=83) Top 20 Overall Bottom 20 Colm Howlin, Realizeit
Nodes Completed in College Algebra (n=67) Top 20 Overall Bottom 20 Colm Howlin, Realizeit
Adaptive Learning Are you all in? Fully Adaptive Partially Adaptive Approximately Adaptive
For more information contact: Questions?? For more information contact: Dr. Patsy Moskal (407) 823-0283 Dr. Chuck Dziuban (407) 823-5478