Iowa Cancer Summit September 21, 2010 Advocacy v. Lobbying Iowa Cancer Summit September 21, 2010 John Cacciatore, American Cancer Society Lynh Patterson, Iowa Department of Public Health
What you’ll learn What is advocacy? What is lobbying? Laws that apply to nonprofits for lobbying. Lobbying restrictions from funding on nonprofit lobbying. Best practices for advocacy and lobbying.
Restrictions from Funding Office of Management and Budget circular A-122, section 25. Costs that can not be charged to federal government by a nonprofit grantee for lobbying activities.
Restrictions from Funding 1) Attempts to influence the outcomes of any Federal, State, or local election, referendum, initiative, or similar procedure, through in kind or cash contributions, endorsements, publicity, or similar activity; (2) Establishing, administering, contributing to, or paying the expenses of a political party, campaign, political action committee, or other organization established for the purpose of influencing the outcomes of elections;
Restrictions from Funding IDPH contracts for federal funding – general conditions. a. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, or the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Iowa Lobbying Laws Iowa Code Chapter 68B Ethics/Lobbying Law 68B.2(13)(a)(3) defines lobbyist 68B.5A(3) defines ban on lobbying activities Iowa Administrative Code 351 Chapter 8: Executive Branch Lobbying Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board governs Executive branch House and Senate Ethics Committee governs Legislative branch
10 Habits of Highly Effective Advocates Determine who you need to contact Build relationships/coalitions Make your contact memorable Be assertive in a polite way Ask for what you want Be direct, brief and clear Thanks 6. Follow up each contact 7. Educate early 8. Do your homework Remember to use the news media Don’t give up
Best Ways to Advocate
In person visits Schedule an appointment Visit one-on-one or in small groups Leave something in writing
E-mail Fast Easy Reach multiple people Not all read their e- emails consistently Some use different e-mail out of session Check if this is a good form of contact
Letter Telephone Plain, personal, or business stationery Personal better than form letter Identify yourself as a constituent Identify your organization Letter Call Capitol, office or home Work with legislative clerks Consider texting Telephone
Forums and Community Meetings Third-Party Contacts Talk to legislators before and after – form a relationship with your legislator Get others to come Find others who share your message to contact legislators Lobbying Days: Breakfast, lunch, Reception Capitol Events Forums and Community Meetings Third-Party Contacts
Mistakes to Avoid Never use generalities Never guess or lie Do not mix politics with policy/never mix money and issues Never threaten Do not make promises you cannot keep Never criticize other elected officials or organizations Do not call them by the wrong title
Ways to Engage the Media Submit letters to the editor Talk to reporters about the issues, ask for a news story Submit news releases about your issues and activities Ask to visit with the Editorial Board about your issues or submit memos to the ED Board Remember: People and Personal Stories sell the media
Politics – process, political environment Persuasion – relationships, stories, data Persistence – squeaky wheel gets the grease Power of constituency – they work for you