ECT data sharing plan Which products do you intend to make available for use by other teams in their data analysis? When will these products be available? What products do you need from other teams? When do you need these products to be available? What other products do you need from outside RBSP – Indices/IMF/supporting data. What software, tools and models (if any) do you intend to make available for use by other teams in their data analysis? When will these be available? What software, tools and models would you like to be available for use?
REPT Science Data Processing
Data Level 3 data Data product Algorithms Interdependencies L-sorted Fluxes Binning in L : spin averaged, sector pitch angle Ephemeris (L* ?) Electron/Proton Spectra From differential channels Bowtie analyses (effective. effy. ) Full fits (full effy. (E) ) None Pitch angle distribution From sector data B vector Magnetometer data
LASP data responsibilities Manage all aspects of REPT Level 2-3 science processing software development Develop and test algorithms Develop and test processing software for delivery to LANL Verify data products produced by REPT science processing software Configuration-Manage Level 2, 3 Software Library Develop/Maintain Level 2, 3 Analysis Tools Develop/Maintain Software Documentation Validate REPT data products produced at LANL Coordinate REPT Reprocessing as Needed
Data Level definitions Description Time to Availability Users L0 Raw de-commutated telemetry data from MOC. L0 generated by SOC. Minutes from receipt (Time = T0) SDC, Archives L1 L0 + sorted, time-tagged, instrument separated, units of count rate T0 + <6 Hours SDC, ECT team, Archives L2 L1 + calibrated and corrected (bkg. dead-time, etc.), physical units T0 + <2 weeks SDC, Co-Is, GIs, US & Intl scientific community, Other LWS Missions, Archives, Space weather users, Virtual Observatories L3 L2 + B-field derived science products (pitch angles, moments) T0 + <2 months L4 L3 + PSD units derived using B-field models, magnetic coordinates T0 + <1 year