Multilingual Indexes for Detection and Translation Find Plutonium In Arabic Chinese Greek Japanese Korean Russian Tamil New Ideas Accessing the world’s existing digital libraries in 400 languages to create vocabulary indexes Using vocabulary indexes for translingual information detection and translation Detection of English loan-words in non-Roman alphabets and scripts Schedule FY ‘00 Indexes for English-German and English-Japanese FY ‘01 Prototype vocabulary index for multiple languages. FY ’02 Multiple bilingual dictionary creation. Geo-referencing and map display. Impact Rapid availability of bilingual dictionaries and indexes Order of magnitude increase in language coverage Cross-language search for many languages not currently searchable Michael K. Buckland, Fredric C. Gey, Ray R. Larson: University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley: Translingual Information Management Find Plutonium In Arabic Chinese Greek Japanese Korean Russian Tamil Digital libraries Statistical association Rapid creation of resources for translingual work. Use resources of digital libraries – 400+ languages -- 8,000 words Afghan/Pushto to English glossary in 30 minutes -- 20,000 word corpus of Afghan/Pushto text in 3 hours Dynamic “Time-Map” Displays -- Show geographical related events: Illness and cities -- Show change & movement over time: Spread of epidemic.