Portable Power Pack 2600mAh: 2.1A high power For use with Smart Phones Part Number: 49950 Bar Code: 0 23942 49950 3 EAN128 code: (02) 00 023942 49950 3 3706 91479 EAN 14 code: 50023942 49950 8 Product weight: 87 grams Product dimensions: 48mm x 100mm x 21mm (WxLxD) Pack weight: 132 grams Pack dimensions: 87mm x 170mm x 33mm (W x L x D) Units per carton: 6 Carton dimensions: 155mm x 256mm x 198mm (W x L x H) Cartons per pallet: 105 Layers per pallet: 5 Units per pallet: 630 For use with Smart Phones Will support charge iPad Mini Approximate re-charge time via AC: 4 hours
Feature Set Enclosure gloss graphite grey finish 2.1A USB High Power output (All 3 models) 4 LED power availability check Check On/off button Quick Start Guide included in the pack USB to micro USB cable included the pack