Persistent Data Structures (Version Control) Partial persistence Full persistence Confluently persistence Purely functional Ephemeral v0 version DAG version tree list v0 v0 v0 car cdr update never modify only create new pairs only DAGs v1 v1 v1 v2 v1 v2 v2 v2 v3 v6 v3 query only v3 v3 v4 v5 v5 update/merge/query all versions updates at leaves any version can be copied query all versions v4 v4 v5 v5 Retroactive v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v6 v6 update & query all versions updates in the past propragate update & query query
Partial persistent search trees Planar Point Location T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 Partial persistent search trees update O(n∙log n) preprocessing, O(log n) query
Path Copying (trees) c c a f f d e g root pointer Core of functional data structures d e g
Partial Persistence Version ID = time = 0,1,2,... Fat node (any data structure) record all updates in node (version,value) pairs field updates O(1) field queries predecessor wrt version id (search tree/vEB) Node copying (O(1) degree data structures) Persistent node = collection of nodes, each valid for an interval of versions, with extra updates, = max indegree pointers must have subinterval of the node pointing to; otherwise copy and insert pointers (cascading copying) NB: Needs to keep track of back-pointers field1: (0,x) (3,y) (7,z) field2: (0,a) (14,c) (16,b) Potential = #extra fields used (overflow by +1 occupied fields => copying => no extra field used + ingoing rec. updates) [0,8[ [8,13[ [13,[ field1: (0,x) (3,y) field2: (0,a) (7,c) field1: (8,z) (10,w) field2: (8,c) (9,d) field1: (13,w) (15,y) field2: (13,e) (14,c)
Full Persistence Fat node Node splitting (≥ 2 ekstra fields) 1 4 3 2 increasing version 1 4 7 5 3 6 2 preorder traversal Version list (order maintenance data structure) 7 5 6 Version tree (numbers = version ids) Fat node Updates (1,x) (6,y) (7,z) to a field Queries = binary search among versions Update (7,z): Insert 7 as leftmost child of 4; insert pairs for 7 and 5=succ(7) Node splitting (≥ 2 ekstra fields) field: (1,x) (7,z) (5,x) (6,y) (2,x) Node splitting: FULLNESS = #extra fields used behind the first Potential = sum of fullness of nodes. Overflow 2+1 extra fields used. Splitting extra fields in each (at least one will be used for version at the split) Totally loss reduces by +1. Insert one pointer in each of the nodes pointing at the split version (5). [5,3[ [4,3[ [4,5[ [0,[ [0,5[ [5,[ field1: (1,a) (4,b) (3,a) (2,c) field2: (1,f) (7,g) (5,f) split version 5 field1: (1,a) (4,b) field2: (1,f) (7,g) field1: (5,b) (3,a) (2,c) field2: (5,f)
Persistence Techniques [N. Sarnak, R.E. Tarjan, Planar point location using persistent search trees, Communications of the ACM, 29(7), 669-679, 1986] Partial persistence, trees, O(1) access, amortized O(1) update [J.R. Driscoll, N. Sarnak, D.D. Sleator, R.E. Tarjan, Making Data Structures Persistent, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 38(1), 86-124, 1989] Partial & full persistence, O(1) degree data structures, O(1) access, amortized O(1) update [P.F. Dietz, R. Raman, Persistence, Amortization and Randomization. Proceedings 2nd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 78-88, 1991] [G.S. Brodal, Partially Persistent Data Structures of Bounded Degree with Constant Update Time, Nordic Journal of Computing, volume 3(3), pages 238-255, 1996] Partial persistence, O(1) degree data structures, O(1) access & updates update [P.F. Dietz, Fully Persistent Arrays. Proceedings 1st Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, LNCS 382, 67-74, 1989] Full persistence, RAM structures, O(loglog n) access, O(loglog n) amortized expected updates Open problem (RAM and Pointer Machine): O(1) overhead for Full Persistent Pointer-Based Data Stuctures with O(1) indegree
Comparison of Persistence Techniques Copy data structure for each version no query overhead, slow updates & wastes a lot of space Record updates & keep current version fast updates & queries to current version, space efficient, slow queries in the past Path copying applies to trees, no query overhead, space overhead = depth of update Fat node partial persistence: O(1) updates and space optimal, loglog n query overhead full persistence: O(loglog n) expected amortized updates and space optimal, loglog n query overhead Node copying/splitting fast updates & queries (amortized updates for full persistence) only works for pointer-based structures with O(1) degree
Fractional Cascading Basic Idea : 2 x BinSearch(x) 1 BinSearch(x) + O(1) L1 L2 Build bridges (and pointers to nearest original element) Searches to next list : Traverse nearest bridge Construction : Repeatedly create bridges until all gaps O(1) Generalizes to catalog graphs of degree O(1) L1 L2 catalog graph 2 5 8 11 21 25 27 31 33 42 5 8 12 14 17 19 20 35 37 41 O(1) nodes 18 2 5 8 11 21 25 27 31 33 42 12 14 17 19 20 35 37 41 bridges
Fractional Cascading Techniques [Bernard Chazelle, Leonidas J. Guibas, Fractional Cascading: I. A Data Structuring Technique, Algorithmica, 1(2): 133-162, 1986.] [Bernard Chazelle, Leonidas J. Guibas: Fractional Cascading: II. Applications. Algorithmica 1(2): 163-191 (1986)] Static fractional cascading, O(1) worst-case access [Kurt Mehlhorn, Stefan Näher: Dynamic Fractional Cascading. Algorithmica 5(2): 215-241 (1990)] Dynamic fractional cascading, O(loglog N) worst-case access, amortized insert and delete Insertion or deletion only, O(1) per worst-case access, amortized insert or delete