History or Manipulation Photography History or Manipulation
Photography History Manipulation
Henry Peach Robinson’s 1858 piece “Fading Away.”
Migrant Mother, by Dorothea Lange (Retouched), 1936
Photo Manipulation
Problem Statement Students are required to represent their community through the manipulation of digital photograph. Students must demonstrate each of the Principles of Design. Students will use convergent thinking to determine the best course of action to complete their projects.
http://www. bing. com /videos/search http://www.bing.com /videos/search?q=bod y%20image%20manipu lation&qs=n&form=QB VR&pq=body%20image %20manipulation&sc= 0-17&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&m id=230DF97D526A10F7 35A4230DF97D526A10 F735A4 https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=2KOiiB 3Kv6U