07/11/1439 مقرر كيمياء عامة 110 CHEM 110 2011 Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi
المرجع الكتاب المقرر مختصر الكيمياء العامة Chemistry – 10td Edition – by Raymond Chang المرجع مختصر الكيمياء العامة للمؤلفين : أ.د. عبدالله عسيري د. محمد قاضي رايط الموقع لعروض البوربوينت http://salmhyawi.kau.edu.sa/
السياسة الواجب على الطالبة الالتزام بها على الطالبة الالتزام بالتالي: حضور المحاضرة في وقتها المحدد، عدم تكرار التأخر عن المحاضرة، حضور الامتحانات في موعدها المحدد، أداء الواجبات المطلوبة. الطالبة التي تزيد نسبة غيابها عن 25% من مجموع المحاضرات (أي بما يعادل 8 محاضرات)، دون عذر، تحرم من دخول الامتحان النهائي. الطالبة التي تتخلف عن الاختبار لن يعاد لها الاختبار (إلا في حالة الظروف القاهرة لا سمح الله). عدم ارتداء العباءة في قاعة الامتحان. يجب على الطالبة إحضار الأدوات التي تحتاجها في الامتحان والآلة الحاسبة الخاصة بها. عدم استخدام الجوال كآلة حاسبة في الامتحان. في حالة الغش تسحب ورقة الطالبة فوراً وتحرم من استكمال الاختبار وتقدم للجنة تأديبية. مع أطيب التمنيات بالتوفيق،،،،
توزيع الدرجات امتحان دوري أول: 30 درجة امتحان دوري ثاني: 30 درجة امتحان دوري أول: 30 درجة امتحان دوري ثاني: 30 درجة امتحان نهائي: 40 درجة ____________________ المجموع: 100 درجة
التقديرات الدرجات التقدير 100-95 A 94-90 A+ 89-85 B 84-80 B+ 79-75 C 74-70 C+ 64-60 D ˃ 60 F
Chemistry Raymond Chang 10td ed. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
Chapter 1 Chemistry The Study of Change 1.7 Measurement (p.15-20) SI units . Mass and Weight Volume Density Temperature Scales. Table 1.2 & Table 1.3 Examples 1.1-1.2-1.3 1.1
1.7 measurement.
International System of Units The SI System Metric System Length (L) Mass (M) Weight (W) Density (D) Volume (V) Temperature (T) Time (second)
International System of Units (SI) 1.7
÷ x Prefixes Scale p K n m M G T c d 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 unit p K n m 103 M G T 103 103 103 c d 103 103 103 103 10-9 10-6 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 103 106 109 1012 10-12 ÷ x Prefixes Scale
X X مسطرة التحويلات Perfixes Scale unit smaller 10+X 103 103 103 103 101 101 101 103 103 103 unit T G M K d c mm n p X 10-X bigger
unit (meter-m), (gram-g), (liter-L) Exa (E)= 1018 المضاعفات Bigger unit X 10-n Peta (P)= 1015 Tera (T)= 1012 Gega (G)= 109 Mega (M)= 106 kilo (k)= 103 hecto (h)= 102 deca (da)= 101 unit (meter-m), (gram-g), (liter-L) dece (d)= 10-1 centi (c)= 10-2 mili (m)= 10-3 micro (ϻ)= 10-6 nano (n)= 10-9 smaller unit X 10+n pico (p)= 10-12 femto (f)= 10-15 atto (a)= 10-18 الأجـــزاء
1- التحويل بين وحدات أكبر من الوحدة الأساسية (المضاعفات) (نأخذ فرق الأسس المطلقة بين الوحدات المراد التحويل بينها) Tera (1012) kilo (103) X 1012-3 = X 109 2- التحويل بين وحدات أصغر من الوحدة الأساسية (الأجزاء) (نأخذ فرق الأسس المطلقة بين الوحدات المراد التحويل بينها) dece (10-1) nano (10-9) X 101-9 = X 108 3- التحويل بين المضاعفات والأجزاء مروراً بالوحدة الأساسية (نجمع الأسس المطلقة للوحدات المراد التحويل بينها) Mega (106) nano (10-9) X 106+9 = X 1015 في حالة التحويل من وحدة كبيرة إلى وحدة صغيرة نضرب في معامل بأس موجب 10+ n أما في حالة التحويل من وحدة صغيرة إلى وحدة كبيرة نضرب في معامل بأس سالب 10- n
Measurement mass is a measure of the quantity of matter in an object SI unit of mass is the kilogram (kg) 1 kg = 1000 g = 1 x 103 g weight – force that gravity exerts on an object weight = c x mass on earth, c = 1.0 on moon, c ~ 0.1 A 1 kg bar will weigh 1 kg on earth 0.1 kg on moon 1.7
Volume – SI derived unit for volume is cubic meter (m3) 1 cm3 = (1 x 10-2 m)3 = 1 x 10-6 m3 1 dm3 = (1 x 10-1 m)3 = 1 x 10-3 m3 1 L = 1000 mL = 1000 cm3 = 1 dm3 1 mL = 1 cm3 1 L = 1 dm3 1.7
Density – SI derived unit for density is kg/m3 mass volume d = m V 1 g/cm3 = 1 g/mL = 1000 kg/m3 1 g/mL = 1×10-3 g/L A piece of platinum metal with a density of 21.5 g/cm3 has a volume of 4.49 cm3. What is its mass? d = m V m = d x V = 21.5 g/cm3 x 4.49 cm3 = 96.5 g 1.7
Worked Example 1.1
Worked Example 1.2
K = 0C + 273.15 273 K = 0 0C 373 K = 100 0C 0F = x 0C + 32 9 5 32 0F = 0 0C 212 0F = 100 0C 1.7
Convert 172.9 0F to degrees Celsius. 0F = x 0C + 32 9 5 0F – 32 = x 0C 9 5 x (0F – 32) = 0C 9 5 0C = x (0F – 32) 9 5 0C = x (172.9 – 32) = 78.3 9 5 1.7
Which of the following is not an SI base unit? A) kilometer B) 1 Which of the following is not an SI base unit? A) kilometer B) kilogram C) second D) kelvin 2. Which of the following SI base units is not commonly used in chemistry? A) kilogram B) kelvin C) candela D) mole 3 Which of the following prefixes means 1/1000? A) kilo B) deci C) centi D) milli
What temperature is 95 °F when converted to degrees Celsius? A) 63 °C 4. What temperature is 95 °F when converted to degrees Celsius? A) 63 °C B) 35 °C C) 127 °C D) 15 °C 5. What temperature is 37 °C when converted to kelvin? A) 310 K B) 99 K C) 236 K D) 67 K . 6 What temperature is 77 K when converted to degrees Celsius? A) –296 °C B) 105 °C C) –196 °C D) 25 °C
What is 22.6 m when converted to decimeters? A) 0.226 dm B) 2.26 dm C) 7. What is 22.6 m when converted to decimeters? A) 0.226 dm B) 2.26 dm C) 226 dm D) 2.26 x 10–3 dm 8. What is 25.4 mg when converted to kilograms? A) 2540 kg B) 2.54 x10–5 kg C) 2.54 kg D) 2.54 x 104 kg 9. At what temperature does the numerical reading on a Celsius thermometer equal that on a Fahrenheit thermometer? A) 0 °C B) –40 °C C) 100 °C D) –32 °C
A. 10-9 and 10-6. B. 106 and 10-3. C. 103 and 10-3. D. 109 and 10-6. 10. The SI prefixes giga and micro represent, respectively: A. 10-9 and 10-6. B. 106 and 10-3. C. 103 and 10-3. D. 109 and 10-6. E. 10-9 and 10-3.
Which of the following is not an SI base unit? A) kilometer B) 1 Which of the following is not an SI base unit? A) kilometer B) kilogram C) second D) kelvin 07/11/1439 2. Which of the following SI base units is not commonly used in chemistry? A) kilogram B) kelvin C) candela D) mole Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 3 Which of the following prefixes means 1/1000? A) kilo B) deci C) centi D) milli
What temperature is 95 °F when converted to degrees Celsius? A) 63 °C 4. What temperature is 95 °F when converted to degrees Celsius? A) 63 °C B) 35 °C C) 127 °C D) 15 °C 07/11/1439 5. What temperature is 37 °C when converted to kelvin? A) 310 K B) 99 K C) 236 K D) 67 K Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi . 6 What temperature is 77 K when converted to degrees Celsius? A) –296 °C B) 105 °C C) –196 °C D) 25 °C
7. Lithium is the least dens metal known (density= 0. 53 g/cm3 ) 7. Lithium is the least dens metal known (density= 0.53 g/cm3 ). What is the volume occupied by 1.2x103 g of lithium? A. 0.0875 cm3 B. 11.4 cm3 C. 0.44x10-3 cm3 D. 2.26x103 cm3 07/11/1439 8. Convert -77F to kalvin ? A. 212.6 K B. -212.6 K C. -28.1 K D. +13.5 K Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 9 Express 7.5 ng as Tg A. 7.5 X10-21Tg B. 75 X1024 Tg C. 0.75 Tg D. 7.5 X1021 Tg
What is 22.6 m when converted to decimeters? A) 0.226 dm B) 2.26 dm C) 10 What is 22.6 m when converted to decimeters? A) 0.226 dm B) 2.26 dm C) 226 dm D) 2.26 x 10–3 dm 07/11/1439 11 What is 25.4 mg when converted to kilograms? A) 2540 kg B) 2.54 x10–5 kg C) 2.54 kg D) 2.54 x 104 kg Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 12 At what temperature does the numerical reading on a Celsius thermometer equal that on a Fahrenheit thermometer? A) 0 °C B) –40 °C C) 100 °C D) –32 °C
14. Ammonia boils at -33.4C. What temperature is this in F? 13. The SI prefixes giga and micro represent, respectively: A. 10-9 and 10-6. B. 106 and 10-3. C. 103 and 10-3. D. 109 and 10-6. E. 10-9 and 10-3. 07/11/1439 14. Ammonia boils at -33.4C. What temperature is this in F? A. -60.1F B. -92.1F C. -28.1F D. +13.5F Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 15. Which of the following prefixes is not correct? A.Kilo- k 10-3 B. micro- µ 10-6 C. nano- n 10-9 D.deci- d 10-1
17. Express 5500 nm as picometers. A.5.5 10-6 pm B.55.0 pm C.550 pm 16. Candela (cd) is the SI base unit of A. time B.length C. luminous intensity D.electrical current 07/11/1439 17. Express 5500 nm as picometers. A.5.5 10-6 pm B.55.0 pm C.550 pm D.5.5 106 pm 18. The SI prefix giga represents: A.10-6 B.106 C.103 D.109 Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 19 Which of the following prefixes means 106 ? A. Mega B. nano C. Tera D. milli
Which of the following prefixes means 1/100? A. kilo B. deci C. Centi 20. A piece of iron (Fe) metal weighing 194.3 g is placed in a graduated cylinder containing 242.0 mL of water. The volume of water now reads 260.5 mL. From these data calculate the density of iron. A.10.5 g/cm3 B.1.25 g/cm3 C.0.746 g/cm3 D.21.0 g/cm3 07/11/1439 21 Which of the following SI base units is used to measure Electrical Current? A. candela B. kelvin C. Ampere D. mole Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 22 Which of the following prefixes means 1/100? A. kilo B. deci C. Centi D. milli
23 Which of the following SI base units is not commonly used in chemistry? A. kilogram B. kelvin C. ampere D. mole 07/11/1439 24. The diameter of an atom is approximately 1 10-7 mm. What is this diameter when expressed in nanometers? A. 1 10-18 nm B. 1 10-15 nm C. 1 10-9 nm D. 1 10-1 nm Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 25. Express 75 Tg as pg A. 7.5 pg B. 75 X1024 pg C. 0.75 pg D. 75 X10-24 pg
26. The SI unit of time is the A. hour B. Second C. minute D. ampere 07/11/1439 27 The following procedure was used to determine the volume of a flask. The flask was weighted dry and then filled with water. If the masses of empty flask and filled flask were 56.12g and 87.39g,respectively, and the density of water is 0.9976g/cm3, Calculate the volume of the flask in cm3 ? A. 56.255 cm3 B. 87.6 cm3 C. 31.345 cm3 D. 143.855 Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 28. Express 2200 nm as picometers A. 2.2X10-7 pm B. 22.0 pm C. 220 pm D. 2.2X106 pm
30. The SI prefixes Tara and nano represent, respectively: 29. The SI prefixes kilo and milli represent, respectively: A. 10-9 and 10-6 B. 106 and 10-3 C. 103 and 10-3 D. 109 and 10-6 E. 10-9 and 10-3 07/11/1439 30. The SI prefixes Tara and nano represent, respectively: A. 10-9 and 10-6 B. 106 and 10-3 C. 103 and 10-3 D. 1012 and 10-9 Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 31. The density of octane is 0.702 g/cm3. what is the mass of 65 mL of octane? A. 45.6 g B. 92.6 g C. 22.5 g D. 110 g
32. How many cubic centimeters are there in exactly one cubic meter? A. 1 10-6 cm3 B. 1 10-3 cm3 C. 1 10-2 cm3 D. 1 106 cm3 07/11/1439 33. 6.0 km is how many micrometers? A. 6.0 106 µm B. 1.7 10-7 µm C. 6.0 109 µm D. 1.7 10-4 µm 34. Ammonia boils at -33.4C. What temperature is this in F? A. -60.1F B. -92.1F C. -28.1F D. +13.5F Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 35. At what temperature does the numerical reading on a Fahrenheit thermometer equal that on a Celsius thermometer? A. 0 °F B. –40 °F C. 100 °F D. –32 °F
36. How many cm2 are there in exactly m2 ? A. 1 10-6 cm3 B. 1 10-3 cm3 C. 1 10-2 cm3 D. 1 104 cm2 07/11/1439 37. Which of these quantities represents the largest mass? A. 2.0 102 mg B. 0.0010 kg C. 1.0 105 g D. 2.0 102 cg Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 38. Which of these quantities represents the smallest mass? A. 2.0 102 mg B. 0.0010 kg C. 1.0 105 g D. 2.0 102 cg
40. Which of the following prefixes is not correct A. deci- d 10 39. Convert -77F to kalvin ? A. 212.6 K B. -212.6 K C. -28.1 K D. +13.5 K 07/11/1439 40. Which of the following prefixes is not correct A. deci- d 10 B. kilo- K 103 C. Pico - p 10-12 D. micro- M 10-6 41. A lead sphere has a mass of 1.2x104 g, and its volume is 1.05x103 cm3. Calculate the density of lead ? A. 0.0875 g/cm3 B. 11.4 g/cm3 C. 1.26x107 g/cm3 D. 0.8 g/cm3 Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi
Problems 1.17 - 1.18 – 1.19 – 1.22 - 1.23 – 1.25 – 1.26 Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi 07/11/1439 Problems 1.17 - 1.18 – 1.19 – 1.22 - 1.23 – 1.25 – 1.26 Dr.S.Al-Mhyawi