Medical-Legal Partnerships: A Collaborative Approach to Child Health Danielle Gadomski Littleton, Esq.
The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland Mission: To secure justice and resolve fundamental problems for those who are low income and vulnerable by providing high quality legal services and working for systemic solutions. There is a legal aid program for every county in the state of Ohio that all have similar missions. We serve individuals below 200% of poverty level.
Medical-Legal Partnerships MLPs Began in 1993 in Boston In 2016, 294 MLPs in 41 states Community Advocacy Program Medical Partners: The MetroHealth Medical System and St. Vincent Charity Medical Center
MetroHealth Medical Center Dr. Robert Needlman, Medical Champion
Source: National Center for MLP Population Health Source: National Center for MLP
Most Common Conditions:
How Does CAP help? Special Education Income Maximization Medicaid OWF (welfare cash assistance), food stamps, child care vouchers Medicaid Immigration Housing Tax Issues Consumer Predatory lending, bankruptcy Domestic Violence SSI
Legal Issues in 2016:
Medical Provider Trainings Pediatric Resident Didactics Community Rotation Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Rotation
EMR Letters
CAP Lead Advocacy Elevated lead levels frequent factor in need for special education services Education of patients and providers Advocacy to improve reaction when child poisoned Partnerships to create preventative approach
For More Information: National Center for Medical-Legal Partnerships: Text: Poverty, Health, and Law The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland:
Contact Info: Danielle Gadomski Littleton, Esq. 216-861-5767