Created 2/18/10
Eileen Mulcahy, Troop 225, Vestal Committee Chairman And you are?... What are you looking to get out of this course?
Time to determine a scout attitudes, accomplishments, and acceptance of scouting ideals Ensure the scout completed requirements for rank Evaluate the scout’s experience Encourage progression
The purpose of the Board of Review is not to retest the scout on scout skills!
For all ranks, except Eagle, and Eagle Palms, 3-6 members of the Troop Committee Relatives can’t be on BOR Troop Advancement Chairperson typically the BOR Chairperson Unit leaders CANNOT serve on BOR
Scout in full field uniform Escorted and properly introduced to each member of the Review Board. At the conclusion the scout should leave the room allowing the Review Board to discuss his progress and determine if he has passed. The scout then recalled and either told he has passed or what he needs to work to fulfill the requirements.
The questions for the lower ranks are simpler and generally deal with factual information about the Scout's participation The questions for the higher ranks are less factual, and seek to aid understanding of how Scouting is becoming part of the Scout's life. Open-ended questions are better, allow scout to speak about his opinions/experiences
If a Scout appears nervous or anxious about the Board of Review, it might be appropriate to ask one or two questions from the list for a lower rank, to help "break the ice" and establish some rapport. What other tactics could you use?
The meaning of “Scout Spirit” ~ to live by the Scout Oath and Law (Ask how he demonstrates it at home, school, etc.) Scout Slogan “Do a good turn daily” Scout Motto “Be prepared” Scout Law Outdoor Code (As an American, I will do my best to -- Be clean in my outdoor manners, Be careful with fire, Be considerate in the outdoors, and Be conservation-minded.)
Scout first experience with BOR Explanation of process by BOR Chairperson Gain a sense of How scout is fitting into the troop? What is his level of enjoyment? Encourage advancement to 2nd Class
This is the scout’s 2nd BOR Some familiarity with process Questions focus on the use of skills used in attaining this rank Try to perceive how the patrol is functioning Try to perceive how the scout is functioning in his patrol
Praise scout for his work toward rank Should feel responsibility toward his patrol and troop Point out additional opportunities (OA, leadership) Encourage merit badge work
Explore how scout can assist leading his troop and patrol Focus becomes teaching other scouts skills How is the BSA philosophy becoming part of the scout’s life? This rank is where many scouts stall out Encourage him to remain active Suggest Den Chief, Troop Guide, OA
Scout should be fully participating in troop Merit Badge work should be regular Explore suggestions for improving the program Scout is starting to “give back” [Note: If the Board of Review is for the Life rank, and the Scout is at or near his 17th birthday, some pressure towards Eagle may be in order.
Conducted at Council level No relatives of scout 3-6 members of Scouting community At least 1 member of District Advancement Committee