How to make a quote sandwich
A quote sandwich has 3 main parts Context Quote Analysis
An example of a quote sandwich While on a yacht heading for the Amazon to hunt, Rainsford and his companion Whitney debate the ethics of hunting animals. Feeling strongly about the subject, Rainsford declares, “The world is made up of two-classes-the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are the hunters” (7). In this quote Rainsford asserts that humans are superior to animals. Since he is a hunter, it is his right to hunt the animals that have been put on this earth for man’s pleasure and enjoyment. These views regarding hunting show the initial arrogance of Rainsford’s character.
1. Context Where in the story the quote is from Which character said or thought it What is happening at that moment Example: While on a yacht heading for the Amazon to hunt, Rainsford and his companion Whitney debate the ethics of hunting animals. Feeling strongly about the subject, Rainsford declares, “The world is made up of two-classes-the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are the hunters” (7). In this quote Rainsford asserts that humans are superior to animals. Since he is hunter, it is his right to hunt the animals that have been put on this earth for man’s pleasure and enjoyment. These views regarding hunting show the initial arrogance of Rainsford’s character
2. Quote Should not be too long Should not merely state a fact Must be punctuated correctly Must be followed by the correct citation Example: While on a yacht heading for the Amazon to hunt, Rainsford and his companion Whitney debate the ethics of hunting animals. Feeling strongly about the subject, Rainsford declares, “The world is made up of two-classes-the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are the hunters” (7). In this quote Rainsford asserts that humans are superior to animals. Since he is a hunter, it is his right to hunt the animals that have been put on this earth for man’s pleasure and enjoyment. These views regarding hunting show the initial arrogance of Rainsford’s character
2.5 Punctuating the quote Mrs. Doring says, “the quote will start with a lower case letter if you lead into it”(4). The page number will be in parenthesis after the quote. (If you are only quoting from one text there is no need to indicate the author’s last name, you only need the page number. Please don’t write p. or pg. before the number.) The period goes after the parenthesis. This is sometimes referred to as: (Quo/Par/Punc) The question mark or exclamation point stays within the parenthesis. Mrs. Doring says, “You will get a C on this paper if you don’t integrate quotes correctly!” (5).
3. Analysis Your interpretation (But don’t use first person!) Explain how it proves your main idea or topic sentence Describe what the quote reveals or shows about the topic sentence 2-3 Sentences Example: While on a yacht heading for the Amazon to hunt, Rainsford and his companion Whitney debate the ethics of hunting animals. Feeling strongly about the subject, Rainsford declares, “The world is made up of two-classes-the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are the hunters” (7). In this quote Rainsford asserts that humans are superior to animals. Since he is a hunter, it is his right to hunt the animals that have been put on this earth for man’s pleasure and enjoyment. These views regarding hunting show the initial arrogance of Rainsford’s character
Quote Sandwich…mmm…delicious! Context Quote Analysis While on a yacht heading for the Amazon to hunt, Rainsford and his companion Whitney debate the ethics of hunting animals. Feeling strongly about the subject, Rainsford declares, “The world is made up of two-classes-the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are the hunters” (7). In this quote Rainsford asserts that humans are superior to animals. Since he is a hunter, it is his right to hunt the animals that have been put on this earth for man’s pleasure and enjoyment. These views regarding hunting show the initial arrogance of Rainsford’s character
After Digesting Your Sandwich: Look over the rules on your “introducing, punctuating, and citing quotes” handout. This is a more detailed and specific guide for what we just discussed. With your group correct the 4 examples based on what you just learned.