Final Project ECE 738 May 4th, 2005 Lee, Kang Eui Normalizing illumination Against varying light conditions For face recognition Final Project ECE 738 May 4th, 2005 Lee, Kang Eui
Introduction Face Recognition remains an unsolved problem in general Pose variation Illumination variation Canonical form approaches for illumination variation Normalize the variation in appearance HE, GIC, QIR
Histogram Equalization Result of HE
Gamma Intensity Correction Correct the overall brightness of the face image to a predefined ‘canonical’ image Canonical image Face image under some normal lighting condition Correction is performed using Gamma Trans. Result of GIC
Regional HE(RHE) & GIC(RGIC) HE and GIC are global transforms Fail to compensate for the side lighting Localized transform is needed Ideally, partition should be done according to the structure of the facial organs. However, complicated region partition approach Instead, simply partition the face into four regions
Results of RHE & RGIC Regional HE Regional GIC
Quotient Illumination Relighting
Results Result of QIR
Overall Result using Eigenface approach Used database: Yale Face Database B