Mentor Leader Established 2015
Mentor Leader The SHINE Program: Coaching Staff Coach Mike Coach Luz Michael Morrissey, Executive Director (928) 920-2085 Coach Luz Luz Acosta, Program Manager (928) 261-8635 Coach Claudia Claudia Zavala, Program Assistant (928) 580-4773 The SHINE Program
Mentor Leader Mentor Leader Training Program Sponsored By: Yuma Sunrise Rotary Club Rotary District Grant 2017-2018 The Optimist Club of Yuma Boys and Girls Club of Yuma and the Salvation Army
Mentor Leader Mentor Leader Training Program Supported By: Arizona Housing Development Corporation (AHDC) Housing Authority of the City of Yuma (HACY) Yuma Union School District Yuma Elementary School District One Crane School District Kids at Hope City of Yuma Yuma Police Department Yuma County Attorney’s Office State of Arizona Office of the Attorney General Arizona Western College Other Community Partners and Local Businesses
Mentor Leader 10-Month (38 Week) Leadership Training Program for Local High School Students August 17th 2017 to May 17th 2018 Thursdays from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM The Boys and Girls Club of Yuma 1100 South 13th Avenue, Yuma, Arizona 85364
Mentor Leader The Mentor Leader Training Program developed from the involvement of SHINE Program participants, since 2009. The SHINE Program is an afterschool sports and character education program for youth, grades three through six. SHINE is facilitated at: Salida Del Sol Elementary School in the Fall G.W. Carver Elementary School in the Spring Vince Nelson Apartments throughout the Year The Mentor Leader Training Program is an evening program for selected High School students to develop competency skills in Human Relations, Conflict Resolution, and Leadership. In 2017 The Mentor Leader Training Program was accredited by AWC
Human Relations Semester One: Human Relations Human Relations in Organizations by Robert N. Lussier Accredited by Arizona Western College – 3 Credit Course
Human Relations Part One: Intrapersonal Skills, Behavior, Human Relations, and Performance Begins with You Understanding Behavior, Human Relations, and Performance Personality, Stress, Learning, and Perception Attitudes, Self-Concept, Values, and Ethics Time and Career Management
Human Relations Part Two: Interpersonal Skills: The Foundation of Human Relations Communications, Emotions, and Criticism Dealing with Conflict
Human Relations Part Three: Leadership Skills: Influencing Others Leading and Trust Motivating Performance Ethical Power, Politics, and Etiquette Networking and Negotiating
Human Relations Part Four: Leadership Skills: Team and Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, and Performance Team Dynamics, Creativity, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Organizational Change and Culture Valuing Diversity Globally
Peace and Conflict Education Semester Two : Peace and Conflict Education Mediation Principles and Practices by Kimberlee K. Kovach
Kids at Hope Semester Two: Kids at Hope All kids are capable of success…NO exceptions! Kids at Hope Pledge Treasure Hunter Pledge Time Traveling
Core Values Semester Two: Core Values Character Education Honesty and Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Kindness and Caring Citizenship Courage and Perseverance Self-Discipline Sportsmanship Leadership
Mentor Leadership Semester Two: Mentor Leadership The Mentor Leader by Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker It isn’t a structured program that necessarily makes the difference; rather, the difference is made moment by moment by leaders who care…for others.
Workshops Students will facilitate Peace and Conflict Education workshops with Elementary and Middle-school students: The SHINE Program Boys and Girls Club Salida Del Sol G.W. Carver Elementary School Gila Vista Middle School Etc…
RYLA Two Top-Selected Students will attend the 2018 Annual Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) January 12-15, 2018 Chapel Rock, Prescott, Arizona
Conference Students will facilitate an International Peace Conference and Retreat with peers from Mexico. February 23-24 2018
Leadership Retreat All Successful Students will participate in an overnight Leadership Retreat in San Diego, CA. Lake Cuyamaca and Mission Beach May 19-20, 2018
Graduation and Certification Successful Students will graduate from the Mentor Leader Training Program and receive a Level I Certificate. Successful Students will also receive 3-Credits from AWC
Expectations To be Successful, Students must: Wear Assigned Uniform Respect SHINE Code of Conduct Attend All Classes and Be On-Time Participate in Class Discussion and Group Projects Complete Weekly Assignments and Maintain Binder Complete Projects, Presentations, Essays, and Exams
Mentor Leader Any Questions…